
My Love For My Grandma

Decent Essays

As a young child, I had a very vivid imagination and a profound love for the ocean. Having lived in Virginia for so many years, my grandmother had a vast collection of shells, sea dollars, and other trinkets from the ocean. My mom worked at the time, so I would be taken over to my grandparents’ house every day, where my grandma would watch me. She would lay out blankets and towels and let me play with her collection of shells and sand. She also fed to my imagination and allowed me to create art that would soon end up on their fridge to admire. My grandparents’ house, somewhat small, had only a little yard attached to it, but I could always make the best memories there. My grandpa had built a wooden swing in their backyard, and I absolutely loved it. My grandma would take me outside, and we would sit, swing, and sing. Since then, I have been extremely close to my grandmother, therefore she could be considered one of my closest allies.
Time passed, and I had started to attend preschool, so I would no longer be spending days under the care of my grandma. Though I would no longer see her every day, she was often around. During the spring of 2009, my dad came home from work early, saying he had lost his job. A year later, we had found out we would be moving to Huntley, Illinois. I was heartbroken at the thought of leaving my family and friends behind- including my grandparents. Since we now lived about 900 miles apart, we would no longer see each other very often, so we would

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