
My Mentor Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

"Mentoring is a process in which a person who is experienced, wise and trusted, guides an inexperienced individual to develop to their full potential" (Carr, and Gidman, 2008). There is a mentor I would never forget in my life. Although she has passed away, her good work in my life shaped the way I approach my profession today. I remembered coming to the facility on my first day and the supervisor approached two nurses to give me orientation but they refused but the third nurse accepted, with an opened heart she equipped me with most of the tools I needed to be an effective nurse in this profession. All the qualities of a good nurse I was taught in the school were all in her. She had communication skills, emotional stability, empathy, attention to detail, interpersonal skills, physical endurance, and problem solving skills. Sometimes we think these qualities are design for nurses to patients, but it is not. These are characters that should go with us wherever we are. It should have extended to co-nurses as well and my mentor had it all. Although accent was a little difficult for both of us, with her endurance skills and someone so familiar …show more content…

After I was rejected by two nurses followed by their comments that they do not want to deal with the accent at the same time orientation and that would have slowed their work down, it made me to appreciate my mentor more and be more attentive to her. If not for my mentor, I do not think I would embrace all the qualities the way I do now that that made me an enviable nurse to both patients and my co-nurses, although I am far from being perfect. To mentor others, I would simply apply same method. Respect, teach what is valuable for the profession to my mentee, I would not hesitate to teach with an open heart, I would listen, teach the correct procedure and not the quick cut. I should not hesitate to let the mentee know when I am not too clear about a procedure to check it out or

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