
My Mentoring Experience

Decent Essays

Looking back, I can remember my freshman self being ecstatic about finally being in high school with the older kids. I was eager to try new things and meet new people. In the first month of school, freshmen were introduced to their freshman mentors who taught advisement lessons and were meant to serve as guides to assist students in their first year of high school. I looked up to mentors; they were the first upperclassmen besides my relatives that I knew. However, my mentors failed to do their specified job. During lessons, they neglected to keep students engaged in the topic and did not show up prepared or with enthusiasm. They acted as if they were too cool and didn’t serve as a positive role model for freshman. My experience that year is …show more content…

After not seeing eachother for a while She sought me out and explained to me the impact I had on her life life. Outcomes such as Brianna’s is why I became a freshman mentor. I have learned a lot about myself and others due to mentoring. This experience improved my overall being and really helped me to come out my shell in high school. Beginning of my senior year, me along with four other seniors were asked called to Mrs Hawkins office, the counselor who is in charge of freshman mentoring. She wanted us to take over the some of her role in the organization. I was shocked that she chose me out of all the mentors. Once again, I found myself back at square one in a new position of leadership and completely lost. I was given the responsibility of training the mentors in order to prepare them for the freshmen. this is one of the biggest leadership roles I have been in so far. This position has given me great responsibility, work ethic, and presentation skills. I have my peers looking to me for advice and direction. In doing this, I have truly experienced the life of one who leads others. I belive us mentors as a whole represent our school and have to act in an appropriate manner at all times. I listen to the freshman at our school and take in their ideas and expectation of the mentors at Grayson. I stress to my freshman the importance of education and the importance of being yourself and having true friends who accept who you are. This experience has reminded me that when I present myself as a leader I am capable of achieving the goals I set

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