
My Mother - Original Writing

Decent Essays

As I walked through the hospital doors, my heart began to race faster by the second. I walked towards my mother 's room, praying that everything was okay. My aunt walked out of my mother 's room and looked at me as though her world had shattered. Tears began to fall immediately from my eyes; all I could do was run away, running away from the worse fear that could ever happen. My aunt followed me out of the building, grabbing my arm and pulled me into a hug. She continued to soothe me, letting me know that everything will be okay. She explained to me what happened to my mother, and how she passed away after her second heart attack. Although I continued to cry, there was not much I could do other than walk towards my mother’s room and cry into her cold stiff arms. While holding my mother, I prayed that God would help me through this difficult time, and to allow me to understand why everything happened, especially to the one person that felt I needed the most. At that moment I promised myself and my mother that I would continue what she started; I would do everything in my power to finish school, become successful, and help everyone I possibly can. At this moment, I did not know that this promise would be one that I would continue to keep for the rest of my life.
The death of my mother was one of the most difficult experiences that I have ever had to experience. That obstacle in my life shined some light on what I should do within my career. Over the years, I was indecisive

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