
My Observation On Child Development Center

Better Essays

Rasha Issa
CD 153

My observation
My observation was at the Grossmont college in the child development center. The address of this center is 8800 Grossmont College Dr El Cajon, CA 92020. Grossmont cares for 26 children from 6 months through 3 years of age. That meat 6 months by September 1st and not entered Kindergarten.
Supply for the care and education of young children while their parents attend school or are employed by Grossmont College.
The college and children’s center serve a diverse population, including a large number of immigrants from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa.
The days are opening from Monday – Thursday 7:45 am - 4 pm …show more content…

it is my favorite picture books for children 's because children prefer this type of books specially for the kids four years and under.
Example for that when I was in the center I saw the teacher taught kids alphabet like she make letters out of play-dough. she play the "memory game" with matching lower case to upper case. There has many pictures they put in the wall for the children and their family every child has a pictures on his or her cabinet.
I have seen in the center teachers from different nationalities, for example Iraqi and Mexican teachers and America But they all speak English with kids.
I have also seen in the center many sections for children to play, for example dramatic section, Block center, Science, sensory, art, quiet area, math area, writing and listening area.
I saw kids doing their breakfast and when they were done they went to there table and ate there eggs and toast then the other side there were dramatic area and they were there costumes like Spiderman. one girt was a Princess and one was a firefighter and they were so cute when they played. The environment is very good for playing for kids at this center I saw. also I saw the outdoor environment of this center it is very good too.
At this center has sand area, slid area, a big grass area for the ball, a big box water to play the kids and there has many bike and swing also they has storage for the toys and wood’s toy. so the children 's

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