
My Passion For My Future Career In Nursing

Decent Essays

When I think about my future career in nursing, I think of endless possibilities. I came into this nursing program knowing that I want to work with kids, and help those in other countries that do not have healthcare. As I am the first among my family to do nursing, or even go to college, I have known very little as to what I can do with my career until now. With that said, even though I believe I will work with kids and in the nations, my mind is still open to opportunity. I am growing in passion for what I would like to accomplish as a nurse, and I am beginning to visualize the type of nurse I want to be. My interest in nursing jobs are driven by the difference I want to make as a nurse and what I enjoy. I want do pediatric nursing because I love kids, and I recognize the impact that a healthy individual can have on a child through a simple encounter. When we were children, there are adults that stood out to us and even though they might not have been there for our childhood because they were either a complete stranger, teacher at school, or a nurse, we might have remembered something they told us or the way they made us feel. We can be their teacher for a given moment, or simply be kind and comforting in their time of hurting or being scared. While I can also do this with adults, I enjoy children and love to be silly with them. Children are also the next generation and more emphasis needs to be on their health mentally and physically because they are the future. I

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