
My Personal Conviction

Satisfactory Essays

Personal Conviction Essay

Everyone has a different want in life. Everyone has their own way of how they will live their life. We all have different opinions of the way life should go and how it should be lived. How we should raise our children, how we deal with the loss of a loved one, how we get over someone, how we save money, and etc. Life is full of different opinions and ideas.
How I plan to live my life and my ideals on how to live it are very opposite to others. I believe school isn’t meant for everyone. If you don’t have any desire to go to college then don’t go. You shouldn’t be forced to go to college if you don’t want to go. No reason in spending the money for no reason. I on the other hand want to go to college and don’t at the same time. My mom wants to make me go but I feel like it’ll be a waste of time. I want to take a year off, get a job and save. She however, doesn’t think I should do that because then I’ll never go. I’m not sure what I want to do that. I want to take a year off, adventure, travel, and …show more content…

I would love to find my perfect spouse, get married and begin a life together. I do plan on being financially stable. I’ve always dreamt of the type of parent I would be. I know from my relationship with my mom that I don’t want to be that overly strict parent like my mom was. It made me rebel and want to misbehave because I got tired of being smothered. Yes, my children will have rules but once they hit a certain age I will allow them to adventure more, only because once I got to a certain age I wanted to adventure more but my mom wouldn’t let me and I did it anyways. I will be that parent that will let their kid go wherever as long as I know where they are and they keep me updated on what they were doing and let me know they were safe. I will be that parent that will tell their kid to just call when they are in a bad situation and I will come get them because I would rather them be

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