
My Personal Experience : My Overall Academic Experience

Decent Essays

My overall academic experience has been amazing. I have settled in very well from being a transfer. It is very different than my old school but I like new and this college has been good so far. I am finally learning how to juggle my crazy schedule with all my class, practice and work. It gets so busy at times but then I make a time some days that I just dedicate to me doing nothing because I just need to slow down and relax. As for my classes, they are going really well and I think my favorite one is Earth Environment (GY101) just because of how awesome my professor is. He always tells awesome stories just because he has been through so much when he was in the military. When he tells those stories I picture what’s happening and I can relate it to the material better and that’s what I like about him and the class.
One class that did surprise me is the Human Geography (GY120) because it is actually pretty difficult. I was surprised on how much we learn in one class time and how much I have to remember for the exams. I am not good at memorization so when the professor tells us that we have to know the specific dates that different groups immigrated to the U.S., I have a hard time keeping them straight and not mixing them up. For the first exam in that class I studied for about 4 hours the day before and I now have learned my lesson that I can’t mentally do that so I have been studying for approximately 5 days, each day, before the test for about 1-2 hours. I do that because it

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