
: My Personal Experience To My Experience

Decent Essays

On September, the 16th of 2017, it was my first time attending a musical concert. I was a little nervous about what I’m supposed to wear, I was asking myself, “Should I wear formal, or should I wear jeans and a T-shirt” I prepared for this night, I planned what to wear and when to wear it, I also booked my ticket a week in advance to make sure there will be a seat for me. I was very excited to experience a live show. However, I did not have anyone to come with me, all my friend was either studying or doing other things. But still, I made it to the concert. I saw many people wearing jeans which made me feel a little comfortable. The first thing I had to do is picking up my ticket, I felt a little lost, wasn’t sure where to pick it. …show more content…

American Flag was dropping down from the ceiling at the same moment they started singing. I was amazed by how talented they were, more than 20 musicians moving their hand while playing their instruments at the same time. However, I also noticed that all of them were wearing the same outfit, a black suit with white tie, which looked nice. Then a woman came in, wearing a colorful dress, a light green with colorful flowers on it. she was holding a violin, Daniel, the composer introduced her, her name was Jennifer Frautschi. She started playing the first piece by Sibelius with her Violin, it was amazing. The sound of her violin was relaxing and thrilling at the same time. They kept the audience engaged by changing the rhythm up and down, like waves. You feel relaxed than out of the sudden you feel excited. I listened to a full 12 minutes of this without moving a muscle. Entrancing and spectacular. What a talent! I could not predict what is coming next, every movement has its own flavor, and its own taste, but in some way, it was related to the previous one. After Jennifer finisher her play, everyone stood and applaud for over four minutes, but she deserves that. They are all were enjoying the moment and no one looked at anything except the stage. I really enjoyed this work of Sibelius, I enjoyed the sound of the violin the most, there something in it that makes me excited in somehow. I loved every second she was

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