
My Personal Reflection On Micro Teaching

Good Essays

Micro-Teaching Reflection I had the pleasure of completing the Micro-Teaching Project at Morningside Elementary School, alongside my mentor teacher, Ms. Beccy Anderson, in her Kindergarten classroom. In this paper, I will share with you a personal reflection of my experience; the process, the school, the mentor teacher, the students, and the lessons.
The Process
Beginning the Micro-Teaching Project was a simple task, as I was able to plan ahead. Prior to the semester beginning I spoke with Ms. Beccy Anderson about her providing me with some classroom time to complete my requirements for this course, she enthusiastically accepted. I also ensured that my background check with the Twin Falls School District and Certified Profile was up to date. With all of my ducks in a row I was already for the course to begin. Once Spring semester began and the micro-teaching project was assigned I delivered my letter to Ms. Anderson and we arranged a time for me to complete observation. At this time, we planned when I would complete my lessons, we chose Wednesdays at 2:45pm. In order for her to be aware of what was going to be completed in the classroom, we agreed that I would send her a lesson plan or overview of the lesson the night before I would teach. With Micro-Teaching Project Step One and Two complete, I was all set and ready to go.
The School
Morningside Elementary School is where my daughter attends school and is also where I complete my Field Experience for my Education 202

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