
My Personal Statement On Communication

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My interpersonal skills, accelerated to a level of advancement as my responsibilities were centered on verbally engaging patients and their families regarding health issues. To gain an accurate picture of health status I had to utilize persuasive communication to skillfully abstract needed information during the triage process. On occasions, I had to concisely, communicate information with patients and/or families regarding health status and at times that was very uncomfortable. I remember on two occasions I had to accompany the physician in relaying news of the termination of life concerning family members and then was given the task of comforting the families until the hospital clergy arrived. I had to learn to master the skill of active listening and properly decoding messages to understand what others were communicating to me even when cultural barriers were present. I had to manage my body language to ensure I was always displaying positive, non-verbal communication no matter the content of what may have presently been taking place. Giving eye contact was critical as the patient needed to know I was present, attentive, and concerned with their health dilemmas. Maintaining pleasant facial expressions, utilizing positive mannerisms and the appropriate tone of voice were skills that allowed me to create a positive experience for the patient even in their time of discomfort. June of 1996 marked the beginning of my six-year career in the medical field gaining the

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