
My Philosophy Of Education Statement

Decent Essays

Philosophy of Education Statement
I believe every child has the abilities to succeed in every area of learning when given a warm, calm and stimulating atmosphere. A child’s success is my main goal. Teaching young children is the most rewarding job to me because I know with careful and purposeful teaching I can make a difference in each child’s life. I have created learning environments that are exciting and meaningful for young children. Creativity is one of my main focuses in all areas of learning. I want to see children draw pictures on plain paper and not color in coloring books, build houses and castles with blocks and not have a picture design to work from and begin to learn about who they are through imaginative play. I can learn about each child while observing or playing with them during their creative moments and I feel these opportunities are priceless.
I believe that teachers and parents are essential advocates for all children. We are the people who understand our children and their needs first. I have been involved with Parent’s as Teachers’ for over a decade and I have seen the positive impact organizations like this make on families. When my twins were born, I was a stay at home mom with three children under two. My son, born as a twin, was experiencing challenges I did not know how to handle. At eighteen months he was not crawling and at twenty-four months we would not able to socialize with anyone. My Parent’s as Teachers’ teacher knew my son from

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