
My Reflection Of Education : My Understanding Of A Disability

Decent Essays

My understanding of a disability are people that may have an impairment but are still human and shouldn’t be treated as less because they are not an able-body. Some disabilities are visible while others are invisible. I never took time to understand a disable persons’ plight before taking this class. I was aware of the medical model but was not familiar with the social model. Disabled people are marginalized group of people that are still pushing for their voices and concerns to be heard. Most disabled people do not want to be immediately labeled by their disability or feel it should define them. They would prefer to be judge on their interests, character, personality as well as other things. I consider disabled people to be resilient, to still push through to reach goals that they strive for, attempting to break barriers, for their community. All it takes is a spark to fuel a persons’ motivation or provide hope. Loretta Clairborne is a motivational speaker, Special Olympics Athlete as a world class runner and has an intellectual disability. Her mother is her inspiration due to her being fearless, and determination to make sure Loretta reach her goals in spite of what the status quo was or obstacles that was in her way. Loretta used the fuel of her mother to reach her goals. People with intellectual disability are denied health insurance. Becoming a Special Olympics Athlete granted her the ability to get health insurance. Healthcare gave her a sense of dignity and

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