
My Reflection Of Leadership And Leadership

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As I reflect on what I’ve learned this semester and what I’ve learned about myself and academically I’m pleasantly surprised. I had moments this semester when I thought, “I’m not going to make it.” I did, thank god, but I’m now in the middle of finals week looking back and pondering who I am becoming. She’s nothing like who I would’ve imagined when I was younger but she’s stronger and more compassionate. I feel like each semester I become more and more the person I’ve always wanted to be and to parallel that I learn new material and concepts that I’ll carry with me and find ways to implement them in my life and in my career as I move forward. One of the most relevant classes this semester has been Intro to management because of it’s immediate applicability. I realized I had strengths I had never recognized and things I could grow in. As we covered each module I tried to analyze myself and compare myself currently to who I’d want to be. I want to a mentor who can help encourage constructive conflict, and help create change by leveraging my power ethically and effectively. I want to become a visionary who can bring about change in the world and in my workplace by effectively walking people through the process of change, but I know in order to do that I need to learn boundaries and how to keep people accountable for non-compliance. I could also learn a lot about how to better organize and coordinate projects, after I have communicated the vision. Through this class I’ve

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