
My Responsibilities As An International Business Manager

Decent Essays

Interview 1: Bill Hricsina, International Business Manager – The Conair Group
Kindly describe your responsibilities as an international business manager
Besides being the international business manager for Conair Group, I am also the general manager for the company’s Latina Americas branches. I am responsible for managing the sales division of the company in the named regions. Additionally, I am also responsible for strategy integration in these branches, taking directives from the organization’s top management. My roles encompass more than supervising sales agents, as it involves the development of sales and marketing strategies that suit the locations in which our organization operates. This situation being the case, I delegate some of my responsibilities, which are not core to the business. I am also entrusted with the role of promoting cultural integration while managing a diverse workforce. Likewise, I am also responsible for all legal and business complications encountered by our branches in the various countries, which include Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil and most Caribbean countries, where our penetration is still in progress.
What are some of the key challenges that you have faced in performing your role as an international business manager for Conair?
Managing international branches is not as simple as most people might assume. Especially in my case, where I have to deal with a variety of countries, challenges are inevitable. Primarily, the difference in

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