
My Role Model

Decent Essays

Personal Essay-2017
When we were together it would be us against the world. My ride or d.. (well, you get the picture...) I’d look up to him, not only because he was 6’4, but because he was my grandpa. I have clear memories of being picked up after school by my grandpa and him playing reggae mash-ups during our adventurous car rides. We’d always sing along to our favorites, sometimes turn the music up so loud the people in the cars beside us could hear it. When I would go to his apartment, the familiar smell of drywall and pennies would fill the air. It was my hideaway, my home away from home. My grandpa collected pennies in clear water filter jugs because he said that one day they’d be worth more than just pennies. I loved it there, not only because of the all you can eat ice cream that he made sure he had in his fridge but because of our bond. For five years it was mom, dad, and grandpa helping me to grow. Those are my favorite people, my role models. Being around my grandpa brought me such comfort and joy.

On May 17th, 2011, my family’s life was turned upside down. My grandpa was feeling faint and suddenly fell over a low picket fence while visiting friend’s house. He was unconscious for a little and then with the help of his friend he was able to get up and walk inside her house. He started complaining about a headache at which time his friend decided to call an ambulance. When the ambulance arrived the paramedics asked my grandpa how he felt and if he could stand

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