
What Is A Role Model

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When you think of a role model, who comes to mind? Many would say an actor, singer, athlete, etc. My role model is my sister, Natasha Hobley. For those who don’t know Natasha personally, they probably wouldn’t understand why she is a role model to me. However, I find her to be a role model for many reasons. Not only is Natasha strong, fearless, and independent, but she is the most loving person I have ever met. Regardless of the trials that have been thrown at her, she always comes out on top, and stronger than before. Natasha has unfortunately lost loved ones in her life, but still manages to find happiness in the darkest situations. Despite battling mental and emotional battles, my sister continues to find the best in situations, and always uplifts others. Ever since I was a child, I remember looking up to her and always wanting to be just like her. Natasha Hobley is my role model. My sister Natasha is one of the most amazing and loving people I have ever met. Some of my earliest memories are of her taking care of my two other sisters and me. I remember always going places with her and her friends, and her loving bringing me places. There was no greater feeling than getting to go places with my big sister and her friends, that I thought were so cool! In January of 2017, my dad’s brother passed away. Our family had never had any huge losses, so it hit all of us pretty hard. Natasha lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, but the majority of our family lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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