
My Time Family Program Essay

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You just pick one or two a night to discuss while you eat with your family. You can change the slips weekly to focus on a lesson. Another aspect to create positive feelings during dinner is to invite your kids to share any kind deed or tiny act of goodness they did that day. This includes a smile, a kind word or a helping hand. Compliment them on that. Sharing the good they did and being recognized for it helps kids feel happier. It also trains them to notice other's needs and develop empathy. My Time Family Program
Set a goal to spend 10 to 15 minutes of individual one-on-one playtime with each child every day. The rules are simple. Your child gets to pick the game or activity and the parent refrains from offering any criticism or …show more content…

Why You Should Practice Program Lessons.
The wonderful thing about the human brain is that it has the ability to change and grow whenever you learn new things. The age between 12 and 21 is an important peak time of change. In fact, this period of brain development is so important that different Institutes of Mental Health concluded that teens through their choices and actions, have the power to direct the development of their own brains. Their choices are laying the neural foundations for the rest of their lives. Everything you think, feel and do is governed by your brain. Your brain communicates through
100 billion nerve cells called neurons that send and receive chemical messages. A neuron looks a little like a tree with branches called dendrites that are covered with receptors. These receptors receive chemical messages and pass them along to other neurons. Unused branches are pruned off and disappear, but when you learn new skills your brain actually grows new branches and new receptors. Here is how it works. If a thought, feeling or action is repeated often, the sending neuron releases a larger amount of chemical each time. The receiving neuron grows new branches and more receptors to receive the larger chemical message. Soon, the behavior becomes automatic and subconscious with every single experience, especially if

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