My trip to India was an astonishing experience, one that I will not forget ever. The country has lots to offer in many different ways, some being culture, nature and culinary ventures to explore, but also the poverty, pollution and begging going on down there.
In India, the variety in social life is amazing. There are diversities of ethnic, economic, religious, class and cast groups all within the Indian society. The cast system has made Indians very obsessed over rank and status. Social relations often start with measuring the person based on caste, ethnic group or rank and how they are related to each other in a certain way according to the cast rules. The country of India occupies the greater part of South Asia, and it is a constitutional republic consisting of 29 states, each of these states have some degree of control over its own affairs. They also have six less fully empowered union territories, and the Delhi
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Most of the people were walking om the roads to get by. The beach in Juhu Mumbai look really pleasing and you would want to go take a dip if you saw it, but no one is allowed to swim there. You would also maybe be scared away from the beach because of the bad smell.
I also went to Elephanta Island via boat which took about 45 minutes. On the island there were old caves with interesting old statue carvings inside. The monkeys were really lame to deal with. Some of the tourists had their packs of chips and crackers snatched from them by these monkeys, and they jumped around like crazy which scared us. We didn’t receive any warning about these monkeys.
Overall I would not recommend traveling to the most populated areas of India, however once you get outside the cities things become much more pleasurable. There is not as much pollution there, and you can actually walk to places where there are no people and experience the rich nature India has to
Paige Raibmon’s book “Authentic Indians” take a closer look at the concept of authenticity in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Focusing on the culturally diverse Aboriginal people of the Northwest Coast, Raibmon examines how both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people constructed and used the idea of the authentic Indian to achieve their goals. Drawing examples from three ‘episodes’ or stories about Aboriginal people of the Northwest Coast, Raibmon argues that authenticity is not a set marker that we can use to measure the distance between what an Aboriginal culture looks like today and what “real” Aboriginal culture looks like. Instead, Raibmon says that authenticity is an important and changing set of ideas that were used
The caste system has been extremely stable in India for over two thousand years. It is only since the more modern, independent state of India was formed that the system has come under any scrutiny at all. It is presently outlawed, but many of the practices, attitudes and traditions remain ingrained in Hindu society (University of Wyoming, 1997).
What are the four major castes? What implications does the caste system have for everyday life? How does the caste system relate to Hindu ideas of spiritual life? “The four major castes of Hindu society are; seers ( brahmins ), administrators ( kshatriyas ), artisans or farmers ( vaishyas ), and followers or servants ( shudras)”( Smith 56). Smith writes, religious leaders, teachers, artists, and philosophers are members of the first caste, brahmins, khatriyas, the second caste, first known as warriors are now managers. The tillers of the land, the makers of bricks, and the builders are part of the third caste, vaishyas. The fourth caste is made up of servants, those who will take care of the other castes’ needs (56)”. While I was working in India, summer of 2001 and there at the invitation of the richest family in India and staying at one of their compounds, some of my co-workers and I were playing snooker. A young boy walked into the room where we were playing. He stopped and talked to us for a few minutes before continuing to bed. Accompanied by a man of about twenty years old, the boy’s shudra, who had been the boy’s personal servant for ten or more years. The shudra’s purpose was to protect and serve his charge’s every need. Although there is inequality between castes, Smith denotes.“ within each caste, there is equality, opportunity, and social insurance ( 57)”. Although the text
Historically, India was under British rule until 1950. Many people in India felt that during British rule they were powerless (Beteille, 2010). All of the problems in the country were blamed on this helplessness (Beteille, 2010). When India became independent and developed its own constitution, a large amount of emphasis was placed on the role of government in solving social problems (Beteille, 2010). During British rule, many customs and practices in India were based on the Hindu religion (Beteille, 2010). The British left those in place, neither making them unlawful nor supporting them (Beteille, 2010). When the new government was established, the caste system that had so sharply defined India was declared unlawful (Beteille, 2010). While this was a step in the
India like the United States has a Democracy for their form of Government. India is a free nation with rights given to the people and laws to protect them. Although India’s Democracy is not exactly like the United States it is set up very similar. In the book Sarah doesn’t talk about India’s Government and never runs into any trouble by authorities, although she does mention that India has a Democracy. This means India is a free nation and allows people to have opportunities for individuals to decide which ones they would like to take. Within the Democracy, India like the U.S. has a strongly defined cast system.
On the other hand, India has spent a majority of its history as a colony of England. It was not until 1947 that India became an independent nation state, after a grassroots nationalist movement started by Gandhi, and even then they were a one party congress. They are also an interesting case of democracy because of how many unfavorable aspects towards it they had, such as high inequality, many peasants, and many different languages and religions (Lecture). In 1956, India was broken up into states by the States Reorganization Act, that made state lines based on linguistic group. India’s founding leaders mirrored the ideas of America, in balancing states rights with a central government (Sil, 2014). They have also more recently gone through a liberalization of their economy. India is unique in the way that their social hierarchy is constructed because of the fact that they have a caste system. The caste system is a combination of religious practice and community organization that is a part of Hinduism (Sil, 2014). This system was officially demolished in the country, but in the country it is still very prevalent, and the focus on helping those who were in lower castes succeed has made people more aware of the way they institute social policies.
Unfortunately I see this conversation ending with Celeste and Jim both very upset and no solutions to the conflict being discussed. It seems that at the end of this scenario the conflict was beginning to spiral out of control, and communication was shutting down. It will end with Celeste and Jim blowing up at each other and not being willing to understand the others perspective about the situation. They will not talk for a while after this happens and Jim will hire Nikki as he intended to from the beginning. As a negative end to this conflict I see Jim and Celeste looking back over the conflict still trying to defend their position (retrospective goals).
When I was little, I heard stories of Third World countries where people lived in complete poverty. I would hear of how they had dilapidated domiciles, contaminated water, deadly diseases, and shortages of food. I was always told how blessed I was to live in a country where I was free of these situations, but I always took this truth for granted. I would go along every day, not worrying about where I was going to sleep or what I was going to eat, when people all over the world were facing these situations as problems. It wasn't until I was sixteen that I realized how blessed I was, when I was given the opportunity to visit San Jose, Costa Rica.
Individuals within a society are grouped into certain rankings that is based on their wealth, income, race and education known as the social stratification. Sociologist use this to determine the social standings of individuals within a society. Social stratification can also appear in much smaller groups. These groups such as the work place, schools, and businesses can “take the form of a distribution of power and authority down the ranks”. (Cole, 2017) The Caste system is also another form of stratification that one does not get a choice in. They are born into it and regardless of their talents will hold positions that are given to them their whole life. Social mobility is the ability for individuals to move about their social standings.
The internal divisions and complexes hierarchy of the Indian society served an important social function. The system provided each individual with a clear identity and role and offered the benefits of group solidarity and support. Certain interactions and behaviors were appropriate only between those of equal status. The system assured that the religious, political, and financial powers were all separated into four different social classes (Bulliet, et. 2011).
According to the India caste system is a hierarchical society. In the Indian caste system, no matter where you live or what religion you are
Let's go to Puerto Rico, the beaches on the tropical island will surely make you over look their citizens in need. The millions in debt, 45% of their citizens living in poverty not to mention their bankrupt government. How does white-sand on your feet, rainforest breeze, music-filled metropolises and enchanted colonial towns sound? Thousands of miles of coastline, breathtaking mountains surrounded by so much water. Beautiful, magical, right? Almost enough water to wash away their "murder capital” reputation. Let's head East, the mesmerizing and surreal castles and historical monuments will surely make one forget the country is home to millions of slaves in modern day. Welcome to India.
A few disadvantages of India’s social system are that Religion, caste, and language are major determinants of social organizations. According to the US Department of State-Background Notes website, even though the government has declared the caste system as illegal, it still has a presence in occupational and societal hierarchies (The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, 2010).
The Caste system has aroused much controversy than any other feature of India’s society. Every day, Dalits are butchered, assaulted, abused, raped, lynched, shot or openly mutilated without considering any consequences of the offenders. The deaths of pregnant women who are not able to pay the bribes at government hospitals, some boys with eyes raised completely out for falling in love with a girl of a superior caste, and horrid stories of employees boiled to death because of spewing out arguments with the boss are continuously reported in mainstream newspapers. After years of democracy, the social structure stands to practice the caste system disregarding abolishment laws. Every international or national effort to abolish caste differentiation and segregation has been proven ineffective. The caste system of India is a deeply inculcated social problem requiring immense commitment domestically and internationally in understanding what has stopped the measures to get rid of this ancient system and what measures are needed to complete elimination of the system.
The caste system also plays a critical role on Indian society as it dictates a person’s social position. I believe this to be true in more rural areas and smaller communities of Indian society. The dharma in each caste system is not always the same and the caste systems dharma can vary. This is to say that dharma is not necessarily universal