
My Two Blankets By Irena Kobald And Freya Blackwood

Decent Essays

The picture book being analysed is ‘My Two Blankets’ by Irena Kobald and Freya Blackwood. This book was awarded the ‘children’s book council of Australia’ Picture Book of the year for 2015.
The right words
Using the right words in a book gives the reader specific information, rather than generalising. The right words allows the reader to make personal discoveries and come to personal conclusions (Tunnell, 2008, p. 19). ‘My Two Blankets’ uses very descriptive language and goes into detail about what is happening. The sentences “My old blanket was warm. It was soft. It covered me all over. It made me feel safe.” gives the reader specific details about Cartwheel’s blanket. The authors could have generalised these sentences, but they wanted the reader to be immersed in and connect with Cartwheel’s story.
Precise vocabulary
Precise vocabulary is using the right word at the right time within a book. Using precise vocabulary should create an experience or an image for the reader, however these words do not need to be complex or fancy (Tunnell, 2008, p. 21). ‘My Two Blankets’ uses suitable vocabulary for the age group it is aimed at. “When I went out, it was like standing under a waterfall of strange sounds” is a good example of precise vocabulary as it creates an image for the reader. The authors could have used simple words to explain that the girl was surrounded with strange sounds, but the use of complex words adds to the image of the story.
Figurative language
Some examples

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