
My Use Of Transformational Theory In Nursing Practices

Decent Essays

Overview of clinical practice situation
Providing health service to the client and managing the situation as per the need are the primary aspects of leadership and management practices. During my clinical placement of mental health nursing, I was allocated to community mental health service. One day at the end of the shift in the afternoon, the duress alarm went on. All the staff ran to check what was wrong. There was a client with the borderline personality disorder in the doctor’s room. And she was treating under the Mental Health Act 2000 as involuntary treatment order. She was agitated and burst into anger. The client was banging on the table and started screaming. She was not ready to come out of the room and neither letting doctor and …show more content…

It is a wide range of developing skills and knowledge in nursing practice. According to Flores et. al (2010) “Organization are continually seeking well-trained individuals that possess not only the technical skills to fulfill their roles, but more importantly, the thinking skills to be effective in a constantly changing environment.” Transformational theory in nursing practices may be the best theory which can deliver effective practices. From the situation that I have seen during in my placement will help me to develop my own skills and knowledge for my future nursing career. According to Asamani, Naab & Ofei (2016) “The study found that different leadership styles are required to achieve different outcomes; hence there is no one leadership style for all situation.” For example; on my clinical placement, the event was panic and the leader has a good communication and leading skill which helped to control the situation easily. So, it would be a good lesson for the followers like me who can implement the skill in a future nursing career. Although the leadership has the same principle but the way of leading it may be different from person to person. As Blomme, Kodden & Beasley- Suffolk (2015) “Transformational leadership emphasizes the ability of leaders to challenge and inspire their followers in such a way that they become willing to help the organization achieve its goal and that they identify themselves with its mission and vision.” The situation may be different in the future but the strategies of doing leadership must be the same. The incident helped me to gain the core value of doing leadership. For instance; teamwork, good communication, inspiration, and motivation are the basic qualities of good leaders. Transformational leadership taught how to manage the situation by motivating the followers. It also teaches to make a good worthy relationship with the patients and staff. Chang & Daly (2012) “The goal of transformational

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