
My Vacation Essay

Decent Essays

“Rinnnngggggg!” The final bell rang and the doors flew wide open. “Bang!” Lockers are slammed shut. Everyone is rushing through the hall to get to their busses and cars. Summer is finally here. Everyone is ready to sleep in, hang out with friends, and go on their vacations. Summer can get boring when you have nothing to do and when you are required to wait a month to go on your vacation. My family and I were going to Florida. The great news was that the month flew by fast. Somewhere at the end of June we started packing our bags and were ready to leave. Our relatives and friends tagged along, so it is going to be twice the fun. The drive there was about twenty hours long with all the stops we made, but I’m pretty sure it was way longer. It felt like we drove for ages. The cars were crowded with all the kids that came with us, so we made many stops. We stopped at tons of gas stations and places to eat. We always switched cars so we would not be as bored and we could be with our friends. While driving, we stopped at a hotel to rest from all the driving and sleep in a comfortable bed. The hotel had amazing waffles that you got to cook by yourself. They had delicious flavors that you can add on top of your waffles. There was also a pool so we went to go swim and we had tons of fun. Unfortunately, there was a lot of chlorine so we were all smelly. When we finally got there we went to get our hotel keys. The first thing we saw was the pool. We all wanted to go swimming, but the

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