
My Writing Feedback

Satisfactory Essays

1. What about these comments helps me achieve my personal writing goals?

The comments will helps me achieve my personal writing goals by telling me my weakness of writing. I got to know what aspects should I improve and put more effort on. For example, by reviewing the comments my classmate given, I realise that I should really work on my grammar and be more specific about my words.

2. What about this feedback helps me work toward others’ expectations of my writing?

The feedback helps me work toward others’ expectations of my writing is every feedback I got. Since all of them are suggestions given by others who intend to help me with my writing, specially for the Project 1, I will take every points in their comment seriously and try very hard to improve my writing. In this way, I will be able to really learned something from this project. …show more content…

What feedback am I willing and capable of responding to at this time? What revisions am I willing and capable of making?

The feedback I am willing and capable of responding to at this time is double check my grammar before I hand in my work. Actually, since I did not really get to start my Project yet, all the revisions are possible to my work. Therefore, the revisions I am willing and capable of making at this moment are every suggestions my classmates gave to me.

4. Finally, answer one last question: How have you refined or revised your project plan, based on your colleagues' feedback?’

Base on my classmates’ feedback, I revised my project plan by taking grammar and word-choice into my consideration. Moreover, I also changed my mind about the way I am going to compose my project as a

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