
Myth and Statue of Phidias

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Myth: Demeter, Hades, and Persephone
Persephone was the daughter of the Greek god, Zeus, and goddess, Demeter. She was beautiful and happy. One day, as she was picking flowers in her field, her uncle, Hades, saw her and instantly fell in love with her. Hades decided to kidnap Persephone and took her to the underworld, where he was the god. He locked her in the Hall of Hades, where Persephone wept endlessly. There is a legend that says that if you eat anything in Hades’ lair, you can never leave. Persephone didn’t want to risk being stuck in hell for the rest of her life, so she didn’t eat. This lasted for a week, until she could no longer bear the hunger; Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds - and life in the underworld began to feel permanent.
In the intro to the story it mentions something very important about Zeus’ wife (and sister), Demeter. Her job of growing the crops was of the utmost importance - if she was happy, her crops would grow abundantly, but, if she was sad, her crops would wither and die. The people would begin to starve. The other gods, demigods, and even mortals would strive to keep her happy. What made Demeter most happy was spending time with her daughter, Persephone. So when Persephone was kidnapped, Demeter was devastated; and the crops began to die.
Zeus had to get Persephone back because he was the king of the gods and was responsible for the lives of the people who would die if no crops grew. He sent his son, Hermes, a messenger and great deal

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