
NSANYS Board Of Directors Goals

Decent Essays

As a member of the NSANYS Board of Directors there are many goals I would aspire to accomplish. It is one of my hopes to provide NSNA members with greater access to opportunities to serve the community, particularly as it relates to health and wellness. During my time as a member of the Board of Directors I would seek to promote involvement in these activities. First, I would create a discussion through the NSANYS social media platforms to establish which types of volunteer programs NSNA members are most interested in. Additionally, through collaboration with the community health director and other NSANYS board members, I would reach out to NSNA school chapters to partner on upcoming community projects and share information on volunteer opportunities. …show more content…

To accomplish this objective, I would reach out to chapter presidents and nursing programs to promote NSNA membership, the annual NSANYS convention, and encourage them to follow NSANYS on social media for upcoming news regarding the convention. Also, I would connect with NSNA members that attended the NSANYS 66th annual convention and ask them to reflect on their experiences and share their insights. I believe that publishing this information, either in Imprint magazine or through the NSANYS social media platforms in a weekly format would be an invaluable resource for nursing students that were undecided about attending the annual NSANYS convention. I would also utilize the social media platforms, website, and Imprint magazine to routinely promote attendance at the at the annual convention. Lastly, I would make efforts to collaborate with NSNA members to learn about the types of speakers they would be most interested in hearing from at the convention and what workshops they believe would be beneficial for nursing …show more content…

I would reach out directly to members of the ANA board to seek opportunities for collaboration and to learn about ANA events that nursing students would benefit from attending. Also, by routinely reviewing content on the ANA website, including upcoming events, health initiatives, and issues in healthcare affecting nurses, I could highlight the work of the ANA on social media platforms, thereby encouraging NSNA members and nursing students to become engaged and aware of issues vital to the field of nursing. I would strive to make this content relevant to nursing students and provide information on how they can become more involved. Additionally, to support my goal I would like to collaborate with the ANA to bring speakers to the NSANYS annual convention to further encourage NSNA members to engage with New York’s nursing leaders and increase the ANA’s presence at the convention. Also, by working with my fellow NSANYS board members I believe I am confident I could develop additional strategies for fostering the relationship between the NSANYS and ANA

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