
NVQ level 5

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517, LEAD PERSON CENTRED PRACTICE 1.1, EXPLAIN PERSON-CENTRED PRACTICE. Person centred practice are ways of commissioning, providing and organising services rooted in listening to what people want, to help them live in their communities as they choose. These approaches work to use resource flexibly designed around what is important to an individual from their own perspective and work to remove any cultural and organisational barriers. People are not simply placed in pre-existing services and expected to adjust, rather the service strives to adjust to the person. Person - centred practice is treatment and care and considers the needs of the individual. Person centred practice: Persons perspective is listened to and honoured. …show more content…

It does this in two ways: By empowering people to make decisions for themselves wherever possible and by protecting people who lack capacity by providing a flexible framework that places individuals at the heart of the decision making process. By allowing people to look ahead for a time in the future when they might lack the capacity for any number of reasons. 1.5, EXPLAIN HOW PERSON CENTRED PRACTICE CAN RESULT IN POSITIVE CHANGES IN INDIVIDUALS LIVES. Person centred planning can be a life changing, enriching experience and is now evidenced based practice. Recent research ( Robertson et al, 2005 ) has shown that person centred planning is associated with benefits for individuals and led to significant changes in the areas of social networks, contact with family, contact with friends, community based activities, scheduled day activities and levels of choice. Results: 30% increase in size of social networks 2.4 times more contact with family 41% increased contact with friends 35% increase in activities 2.8 times more choice making. 3.1, EVALUATE HOW ACTIVE PARTICIPATION ENHANCES THE WELLBEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF INDIVIDUALS. Wellbeing and quality of life for most people is enhanced through meaningful involvement and activity. It is crucial that individuals are involved in decisions that affect them. There are many ways in which such involvement can be facilitated and encouraged. Services should recognise the importance of social contact and

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