
Name Of Civilization: Ancient Rome

Decent Essays

Name of Civilization: Roman Republic (More commonly known as Ancient Rome)

Government & Laws:
Ancient Rome started as a monarchy with a king whom was tough yet inflexible. (Not physically of course) They soon emerged from the ashes of monarchy and become represented. Unfortunately for many people in Rome, in the early stages of the Republic, power lay solely in the hands of the elite, the old landowning families or patricians. The remainder and largest share of the city’s population - the plebeians - had few if any rights. This unequal division of power would not last very long.

Though Roman Law is traditional, it is influenced by roman dialect. The Romans divided their law into 2 different types. Jus scriptum (written law) and jus non scriptum (unwritten law). By “unwritten law” they meant custom, routine. By “written law” they meant not only the laws imitative (copied) from legislation but, literally, laws based on any written source.

Jobs: The jobs in ancient Rome were ones common in other ancient towns and countries. The few exceptions to this was the political and military jobs, these differed vastly from other countries because they were based around Rome’s ideas and battle plans. And of …show more content…

The first roman art was dated back to 509 B.C.E! The last known Roman art was dated back to 330 C.E, or maybe even sooner! Roman art encompasses a broad spectrum of media including marble, painting, mosaic, gems, silver and bronze work, and terracottas, just to name a few. Architecture- Roman architecture continued the legacy left by the earlier architects of the Greek world, and the Roman respect for this tradition and their particular reverence for the established architectural orders, especially the Corinthian, is evident in many of their large public buildings. For example, Arch of Septimius Severus, Temple of Baalbek and of course, The Roman

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