
Napoleon Animal Farm Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The revolution of Russian was nothing short of interesting but through the point of view of George Orwell the reader is able to have a deeper understanding of the cruelty and treachery. This is especially represented by the main character Napoleon(pig leader). Napoleon shows the correct progress of the revolution through his own change from a fair, background leader to an unfair dictator. Napoleon from the very beginning is smart , so he understood not to play a role in the initial rebellion, he becomes a major role when the animals are weak and need a leadership role most. The first description of him readers are given is "a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his way". In other words: Snowball may be the best leader, but Napoleon had a way more compelling character. Napoleon rules through cruelty and tyranny. One example is his private army, when Napoleon takes puppies and begins raising them himself. They eventually follow Napoleons …show more content…

The second comes when he starves the hen rebellion, then he forces animals to make false confessions. Napoleon got rid of his four leadership rivals, plus the hens who started the rebellion. This allows him to have complete and utter control, that is when he begins to not care if animals are equal, he only cares about himself. But he continues this path of cruelty because he craves more and more power and greed. Example, almost as soon as the pigs seize power, Napoleon starts claiming things as his own, the hens eggs, humans' beds, and alcohol. At the end of the novel, Napoleon and Squealer wear human clothes and walk around on two legs. The point is, Napoleon craves power and that is his driving force to success, that is what makes him such a powerful character and that is why he was written to resemble such a powerful and power hungry

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