
Narrative Essay: Who Is Jason A Hero?

Decent Essays

There once was a great hero named Jason he was better than anyone else at soccer. Jason every day after school would go to the park and practice soccer tell it was dark out. Day after day Jason would go to the park and play soccer with his friend Jake. They would practice after school and during summer until freshman Year of high school. Jason and Jake went to tryouts for soccer their freshman year and got placed on varsity they had thought that all their practice had payed off. Game after game, Jason was the MVP of the games always scoring the most, being a team player, and being able to play all positions when needed. Everyone in school thought that he had it all he was smart, strong, and he was a varsity soccer player. The first year …show more content…

All summer Jason went out to the park and played soccer like normal. He practiced and practiced to the point where he had nothing els to learn. Jake would come play with him from time to time and they would have a fun game of soccer. The last night of summer came around and Jason was in bed when he saw Hermes come down to the side of his bed. Jason didn't know what to say put thank you for helping me and that with out him Jason might not be playing soccer to this day. All Hermes said in return was that know matter what the gods will be looking after him. The first few years of collage Jason took his grades and soccer vary serious. Jason would make sure that he had good grades and that he was practicing soccer when ever he could. HIs last year of collage soon came and Jason kept his grades up and was playing varsity soccer. Jason was a vary well known kid around campus for everyone talking about how good he is at soccer. he was one of the most papular kids that was at that collage. Jason had many professional scouts come up and talk to him his senior year about going to go play professional soccer once he was done with college. The Colorado Rapids asked him to go play for them and once he graduated collage that was the team he played for. Jason got lots of money from soccer but he didn't always use it vary wisely. After about 2 years of being a professional soccer player he had well over one million dollars. After a big win that the Colorado Rapids had Jason went to the bar and bought every one a drink or two. What Jason didn't know tho was that his high school friend Alex was at that bar that night and when he saw Jason he wanted to beat him up. For the next year Alex followed Jason around to see where he lived what restaurants he went to and more. Jason soon realized what was happening and knew that he had to get a new identity to be safe from Alex. Alex

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