
Narrator In Life Of Pi

Satisfactory Essays

Journal 1
In the novel Life of Pi, the narrator is speaking in first person and is the main character (Pi) in the story. The narrator is very descriptive and observant which helps to create vivid imagery. Pi is very mature for his age, loves to learn and is very intelligent. We also see that Pi is kind hearted and sensitive towards others feelings. The narrator in life of pi is mostly reliable in telling this story because he was a good age and a reasonable teenager. However, because he is telling the story as an older gentleman recalling the events on the life boat, there are a couple instances where he is not sure the exact events of what happened or how he was feeling during certain moments. The point of view the narrator offers influences the book in several ways. Because the narrator is recalling the events we are able to understand what is happening in the story, how the main character is feeling and also have a analyzed version of the story. This means that the narrator is providing an explanation of events and feelings that we wouldn't have if Pi was telling the story as the events were happening. Journal 3 In this story, I saw a gradual change in Pi that was sometimes difficult to discern. Because Pi wasn't speaking in present tense, but telling the story as the past, it was sometimes hard to know what Pi would have been thinking and feeling. One of the changes I did notice was how Pi went from constantly hoping and searching for a rescuer, to not

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