
Natural Hazards and the Interaction of Physical and Human Processes

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Natural Hazards and the Interaction of Physical and Human Processes

The earth has been producing hazards for millennia these include earthquakes and volcanoes caused by the movement of tectonic plates, and also wind and water elated disasters such as tornadoes and tsunamis, these can be varied by a countries location such as suffering drought due to be land locked or an island, also the relief on the land can contribute greatly to the hazards it faces.. All of these cause great destruction and can involves lots of energy, these events do not become disasters unless there are human factors involved, when people live on a fault line they are risking suffering from an earthquake, this combination of …show more content…

Some natural hazards can be effected by the actions of humans, the deforestation of forests in Indonesia is suspected to have contributed to the mudslides their, the resulting loss of life could be blamed on illegal logging which had occurred. The flood risk of countries is also increased by the urbanisation of land, the concrete and other impermeable surfaces used mean that water reaches rivers faster which can cause the river to burst it's banks, this occurred in Berkshire and other urban areas by the M4 which closely follows the route of the river Thames and its tributaries, this had flooded many time in recent years and the problem in acerbated by the increased urbanisation of the land. The Mississippi was straitened to be better for human usage the problem being that the river returns to its original route when it is flooded or moving excess water, causing widespread damage and erosion. Also those building on unstable or perilous land can have future problems, many homes are

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