
Naturalization And Immigration

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Facilitated naturalization can also help the economy in the same way that technological innovations do. There still exists a large pool of minimally paid wage-earners, even with the influx of highly skilled workers, which keeps costs low and raises standards of living. The American economy has grown vastly dependent on these immigrants who do undesirable work imperative for society, especially in the agricultural industry (Semuels, “Business Owners Getting Vocal on Immigration”). Journalist Alana Semuels has dairy farmer Joe Wright elaborate on this predicament, and Wright explains that because of past anti-immigration laws, he has been forced to hire as far from the U.S. as Africa and Europe, raising expenditures for him and consumers. Many farmers are demanding immigration reform that will allow for them to have year-round employment, seeing as their biggest source of labor comes from immigrating Hispanics, farmer Joe Wright confirms (Semuels, “Business Owners Getting Vocal on Immigration”). …show more content…

Wright indeed became vocal, saying that those in opposition of immigration “didn’t have a clue over how their own lifestyle was dependent on these immigrants for food and hospitality.” Governor Brown’s 2013 Trust Act made an effort to address these issues, which only allowed officials to deport individuals if they committed a high offense. He validated the bill’s passage amid much dissent, saying that this bill was “recognizing the importance of immigrants to the economy, culture and vitality of the entire state” (McGreevy, “Brown Resets Bar on Migrant Rights). Another bill attempting to facilitate naturalization was the failed Earned Legislation Bill of 2003, introduced in the House of Representatives, which would have allowed for hardworking immigrants to become citizens through a credible work

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