Nature versus nurture can be a discussion that discusses the reasons why a person may behave a certain way or perform tasks in a certain manner. You can look at someone actions and compare them to their parents or close relatives. Were they born with distinct traits that caused actions similar to their relatives, or were there actions or behaviors learned from some type of influence or environmental situation that they were raised in? Nature versus nurture can be debated but, describes why we behave the way we do or respond to a situation in a certain way. The nature point of view discusses whether you received your development from your genetics such as DNA. Were u born with it? While the nurture point of view is quite the opposite. It
In the "nature vs nurture" debate, nature refers to an individual's innate qualities (nativism). Nature is your genes. The physical and personality traits determined by your genes stay the same irrespective of where you were born and raised. Nature factors that trigger an individual to commit crime are influences by biological and family factors. The nature method suggests that individuals are born with qualities, abilities and characteristics that determine the kind of person that individual will become.
To begin with, nature is defined as the inherited characteristics that an individual has when born. The characteristics that are developed and influenced by the individual’s environment are defined as nurture. The debate of whether nature or nurture has greater influence on a person’s personality is a long-standing debate. A consensus can be reached. Nature and nurture both influence individuals, it is a subtle cooperation. Rather than the terminology being "nature versus nurture," it is nature "and" nurture. The amount of influence the factors give is not evenly distributed, rather it varies by person. A person could have a natural ability to play an instrument. This can only take them so far though, without practice they would never be able to improve/perfect their style. Nurture takes their ability to the next level.
Our first question, how are nature and nurture identified? Nature is seen as the genes, inheritances, and biology that are passed on to you through your parents ( This means, believers on the nature side see your biological parents pass onto you defines your personality, health and behavior later on in life. This could be credited by your genetic makeup. Nurture is seen as the influence of external factors, that are adopted at birth, which means that your life is pressured by the world around you (,( Many people believe that natural influences can cause a person to return back to the ways of the cavemen and
The concept of nature versus nurture is that human behaviour is influenced by genetic information inherited from our parents and also by environmental and social influences.
Nature versus Nurture is the issue of the degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior and development. In this issue nature can be defined as, behaviors due to heredity. Which means behaviors are based on the genetic makeup of an individual and is an influence of the individuals' growth and development throughout life. On the other hand nurture are causes of behaviors that are environmental. Which means the influence is from, parents, siblings, family, friends and all other experiences to which the individual is exposed to.
The nature vs. nurture issues is the most important study of human development for many reasons. In fact, both issues play an important role in human development over time. One main reason why nature vs. nurture is an important study in psychology today is because of its developmental traits. Traits are characteristics inherited from your parents. Also, a trait is something that is passed down from generation, such as a person’s personality.
Nature is the genes a person is born with, nurture is how a person is raised, we either inherit it from our parents (genetics) or we learn it from our upbringing (environment). The textbook describes the clarification of nature vs nurture as making a decision, is it “the level of the individual or at the level of the individual differences within a population” (Page 163). If it is the level of the individual then there is no debate of what it is because each person has a unique set of genes. If it is at the level of the individual differences of a population then you can compare differences of genes and environment page 163. For example, if you take a population of a village living on the Yukon River, most of them probably harvest and eat salmon.
Nature vs. Nurture is one of the oldest philosophical debates in Psychology. Nature refers to hereditary traits passed down through our genes that influence what we look like and the essence of who we are. Nurture refers to variables in our environment that impact who we become. There are many different points of view in Psychology, on both sides. Just to use two of them as examples; Nativists feel that all or almost all of our characteristics are passed down to us in our genes. Whereas, Empiricists believe that we are born with a blank slate and everything we become is learned behavior, regardless of genes. I feel that our behavior and personalities are based on both nature and nurture.
The nature versus nurture debate has been a widely argued philosophical topic for numerous decades in which people hold strongly contrasting opinions. Many believe that a person’s development is solely down to their inherited (genetics) characteristics and tendencies, however, the opposing side consider the environment where you grew up to have a long-lasting effect or influence.
The debate of nature versus nurture pertains to whether or not behavior is inherited or if it is learned. Nature is acknowledged to be influenced by genetic and biological aspects. Nurture is accepted as learned characteristics, which are created by peripheral influences after birth.
Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? Nature and Nurture are the reason why. Nature is your genetics, what you were born with. While on the other hand, Nurture is how your body and mind react to the society around you. Nature and Nurture both have an important role on your personalty. I believe that Nurture has the bigger influence on your personality, because even though your genetics have a big influence on you, the society around you can change them.
Nature versus Nurture is a wide spread topic that many psychologist study. Nurture is the environment, while Nature is genetics.
The difference between nature and nurture is that nature refers to the characteristics that are inherited by someone of your family or when you were born you have like a genetic in origin. Nature is in your genes like in your body, how you act, think, your physical appearance and personality traits are determined by your genes. While nurture refers to the qualities that you learn as you grow. Nurture refers to your childhood, how you grow up and also what you learn by the pass of the times of all the experience that you have and what did you learn from them. Nature and nurture is related to the heredity or how environment impact someone's life like: behavior, habits, intelligence, personality, sexuality, aggressive tendencies.
The nature side of things is often has to do with the way someone looks and also the stuff someone likes and dislikes. While the nurture side has to do with talking to people and the way people affect someone. Some people think that bad experiences can help an individual in the long run the opposite is true. For most people traumatic experiences can cause for weird behavior and even lead to death. The thing that some should understand is that nature and nurture are two different things and each can lead to good and bad experiences.
Throughout time, nature and nurture have been examined to be two of the most essential topics to which the human was developed. However, the troublesome question that is asked is whether or not one has a more critical impact on human development. Before one can conclude if either is the key component of human development, one must first understand what both nature and nurture establish. While nature is characterized as the genetic makeup of a person through the inherited traits of one’s parents, nurture confronts the perception that adapting and changing to fit certain environmental factors form humans. Many theorists have brought into consideration their theories to demonstrate which approach resolves the question. Unfortunately, there is