Our personalities, mannerisms or actions could be influenced by genetics, or surroundings. “One of the oldest arguments in the history of psychology is the Nature vs Nurture debate, whether a person's development is predisposed in his DNA, or the majority is influenced by this life experience and his environment.” (“Nature vs. Nurture”) “Nature” proposes that these traits are influenced solely by genetics. On the other hand, “nurture” would suggest human behavior is exclusively from our environment. Looking more in depth on Nature vs. Nurture led me to stumble upon moments of clarity.
“Nature” according to The Merriam-Webster is, “The sum of the environmental factors influencing the behavior and traits expressed by an organism.” Visualize
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This also makes sense because, of all the similar qualities my family and I share. Recently, my father and I were driving, he turns to look at me and says, “You drive just like grandpa”. This puzzled me because my grandfather has been deceased for ten years although I did drive with him plenty of times as a child. I am certain at that age, I never took any interest in driving. I thought to myself; I wonder if this could be caused by “nurture”? Is it plausible that we could have similar traits due to genetics? Now, contemplating if this phenomenon is what we call our “intuition”.
Personally, I believe the core of us as humans deems both these as being necessary. “Nature versus nurture” each make arguably good points. Being aware that both “nature” and “nurture” could be the reason for who we are at the core. Each side of this discussion has strong factors. Which leads me to not be able to coin only one as my answer. I would think both “nature” and “nurture” need one another to shape individuals into the humans we
There is a debate occurring in the world of psychology revolving around the way people’s behavior is based on either nature or nurture. Both of these, again, deal with psychology and are both aspects of behavior that are products by one of two realms. One being inherited through genetics and the other
One of the oldest debates in the history of Psychology is about Nature versus Nurture. Today, we know that both play a significant role in human’s life. Some people believe that it is genes which affects our way of life and some people believes that it is none other but our environment that greatly influences our lifestyle and some believe that both has tremendous impact on one’s way of life. Indeed in certain cases both our nature (our genes) and our environment roughly play an equal role in human life.
Nature: refers to heredity, the genetic makeup an individual carries from the time of conception to the time of death. This notion of nature refers to the biologically prescribed tendencies and capabilities individuals possess which may unfold themselves throughout the course of life. Some examples are hair color, height, body type and eye color. I was born into a larger family, my mom and dad
The question of whether we are more heavily influenced by our surroundings and/or our upbringing as opposed to what comes naturally to us is a very controversial ongoing debate. This examination can be seen in the 1965 experiment known as “The John/Joan Case”, intended to test the theory of “Nature vs Nurture”. This dispute within psychology is concerned with the extent to which particular aspects of behavior are a product of either inherited or acquired characteristics. “Nature is all that a man brings with himself into the world; nurture is every influence without that affects him after his birth.” (Galton)
One of the most enduring debates in the field of psychology is the controversial idea of nature vs. nurture. Throughout the endless history of the debate, no clear conclusion has been met, only hypotheses have been formed. At the center of the debate, human behaviors, ideas, and feelings are being determined, whether they are learned or inherited. Determining physical traits, such as eye color or hair color, are simple because they are hereditary traits. The idea of having a certain personality, intelligence, or ability is under discussion because scientists cannot determine if these traits are learned, or predetermined by genes.
One of the oldest debates in psychology is nature versus nurture. Nature is the inborn, innate character of an organism. (Spencer A. Rathus pg. 56) Nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward. (Spencer A. Rathus pg. 56) Basically nature is what you have from heredity and nurture is you environmental influences.
“You inherit your environment just as much as your genes.” (Rich, 2015) In 1869, the phrase “nature vs. nurture was coined by an English polymath named Francis Galton. There are two sides to this debate, each with their own pros and con’s. Nature is the side that argues that the DNA and genotype humans are born with determines who they are and what personality and traits they will have throughout their lifetime. Whereas the nurture side of the debate argues that humans are born with sponges as minds, and through interactions and experiences while we grow, the knowledge and understanding of life is gained and this is how our personalities are sculpted. Many people have studied this debate through multiple schools of thoughts; each with their own arguments to which side they believe prevails. Yet, to this day, there is no proof to say which side of the debate if correct. Based on the psychological, sociological, and epigenetic schools of though, it can be validated that when it comes to the nature vs. nurture debate, nurture will always prevail and remain most relevant.
Very Well Mind has explained the definitions and thought processes of scientists and biologists. Nature refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics. Nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture. Biological variables have been seen as one of the biggest nurturing parts of children. However, some things happen naturally, no matter the influence coming from outside sources.
The nature vs Nurture debate allows us to see if behavioral tendencies, personality attributes and mental abilities are already a part of us before we are already born. Nature is influenced by genetic inheritance and biological factors. Nurture is the influence of external factors after conception, with experience and learning
There are a plethora of ideas and theories regarding the developmental psychology behind why people metamorphosize into different personalities and habits later in life. Developmental psychologists have developed several ways to try and determine where the determining factors are in peoples’ lives that cause the differences. Several of the theories tend to have overlaps in parts of the ideas such as the ideas of “nature vs nurture” and that of “social context.” These theories share the overlapping ideas that there are outside influences on the way a person turns out in life. While “nature vs nurture” states that there are outside influences, there is also a counterargument that the genetic make-up of a person is the determining factor for how that person develops later. Even still, there are some who also believe that both arguments of “nature vs nurture” have even attributes on the lives of people.
The biggest controversy in psychology today is whether genetics or one’s environment plays a role in the behavior of the individual. Psychologists have researched and developed different theories to explain the reason for the way humans think and behave. The behavior of individuals is either inherited or learned. In my opinion, I believe that nurture plays a big role in the individual’s behavior. Kendra Cherry states, “Nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture” (1). People have become who there are because of the environment they were exposed to in their childhood years. The behavior of people is influenced be the environment that surrounds them and can changed many times through one’s lifetime. People have different personalities a person’s
Is one’s life set in stone right from birth? Or does an individual gain certain qualities through experiences in life? Nature versus nurture has always been a controversial debate, and there are many different theories and explanations that have been provided around the world, and although many of these statements are true, no one has come to an official conclusion that explains this psychological phenomenon. There have been hundreds of studies conducted in order to explain this topic, and the findings can help develop an understanding that can eventually define the truth. By analyzing certain cognitive traits in individuals it is possible to learn whether these certain traits are predisposed or if the environment one grows up in influence the appearance of the traits.
In society, not one person is alike. By saying this, many people believe that they strongly take after their parents. Meaning they think Nature is a big part in their life and why they are who they are. The genes in each cell in us humans determine the different traits that we have, more dominantly on the physical connections like eye color, hair color, ear size, height, and other traits. However, it is still not known whether the more abstract attributes like personality, intelligence, sexual orientation, likes and dislikes are gene-coded in our DNA. The nurture theory has experiments showing a child’s behavior with the environment as to adult behavior. In the Nature Vs Nurture debate, everyone has their own thoughts and ideas on each
Of course, to every argument there has to be two sides. Some scientists argue that the way we are and act is not necessarily all determined by our genes. Believers of this side think that our behavioral aspects are derived from the environment in which we are brought up in. In the theory of nurture, our behaviors are not instinctive, but are learned throughout our lives. For example, we all laugh and cry at different time and under different circumstances. As humans, we learn from our surroundings and are influenced by our peers and parents. Another example of the role of nurture explaining our behaviors is that fact that we learn our fears and phobias. The key difference is that nurture alters itself from the fact that our biological make up is the only explanation for our behavior.
The debate on nature versus nurture is an old philosophical issue in psychology. Nature involves all genes as well as hereditary factors, which influence who we are. These range from the physical appearance to the personality features of a person. Nurture involves all environmental variables, which determine who we are: experiences during early childhood, how one is raised, the surrounding culture, and one’s social relationships. Biological psychology today insists on the significance of genet is as well as biological influences. When it comes to behavioral psychology, the most important thing is how the environment affects behavior. Unlike earlier when debates on relative contributions of the concept took a one-sided approach, experts currently