
Nba Research Paper

Decent Essays

Basketball is one of the world's most loved sports. Thousands of people gather from all over the world to watch it. The National Basketball Association or NBA is the whole reason people are able to play the sport professionally. Although the NBA is a huge company now it wasn’t always like this. Before the NBA there was the Basketball Association of America. (BAA) Many of the rules the NBA has today didn’t exist back then.

It all goes back to 1946 November 1st Toronto Canada. 7,040 people showed up to the first professional basketball game. The New York Knicks against the Toronto Raptors at Toronto’s sky dome. It was strange for Canadians because many of them were fans of hockey. People decided to go with something completely different and …show more content…

In the BAA teams had unlimited time to shoot the basketball, in today’s NBA teams only have 24 seconds to shoot the basketball. Teams who player’s committed consecutive fouls would’ve gave a point to the opposing team, now when players commit fouls either the other team gets the ball, two free throws, or a player that has committed 6 fouls will get ejected from the game. A free throw is when a player that has been fouled takes either 1, 2, or 3 shots without any defenders trying to block him/her. Many players and coaches didn’t believe in jumping they thought “nothing good would come when player’s feet left the ground.” Basketball games were longer two each quarter was 12 minutes, now every quarter is 10 minutes not including timeouts or foul calls. ( by Sam Goldaper …show more content…

There are three different spots on the court, where players can shoot from. There is the 2 point area, 3 point line, and the free throw line. The 3 point line is 23 feet and 9 inches away from the hoop. The two point line is anywhere in front of the 3 point line. 2 pointers can be anywhere from just under 23 feet to a couple inches away from the hoop. The free throw line is 15 feet away from the basketball hoop. Free throws are only given to players who are fouled, a player gets a free shot without any defenders guarding him. If a player is fouled while taking a shot behind the 3 point line that player will get 3 free throws. If a player is fouled in front of the 3 point line that player will receive 2 free throws. If a player is fouled while taking a shot and he makes it that player will only receive 1 free

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