
Negative Essay : How The Internet Affects Our World

Decent Essays

The internet has been a big deal in everyone's lives lately, but is it really helping us or hurting us? Even though the internet is said to change your way of thinking and maybe even rewire your brain, the internet also allows you to become more social in your daily life, it can affect how your daily life functions compared to past generations, and it changes the way of the business industry. To start off, the internet is known to do things such as rewire your brain. This may sound like a terrible thing, but it actually isn't as bad as it sounds. Since we're always reading things online and being on our phones so often, this causes our brains to get tired when we are assigned to read a long text on paper (Nicholas Carr). And according to an article talking about this topic is, “The Net's influence doesn't end at the edges of a computer screen, either. As people's minds become attuned to the crazy quilt of Internet media, traditional media have to adapt to the audience's new expectations.” (Nicholas Carr). This excerpt shows that people these days have gotten used to having everything thrown at their face rather than having to go look for information. In this day and age almost everyone is on their smartphones and a lot of the smartphone users have social media where they can connect with their friends and family and even get a chance to meet new people online. It is claimed that being on social media is people's favorite thing to do digitally (Pew Research Center). Online

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