
Negative Essay : Why Students Dropping Out Of College

Decent Essays

Have you ever been ambitious to attend college and when the moment finally comes, you have to drop-out because you are facing many obstacles that aren’t allowing you to pursue your dreams? Well, I have a family member who was anxious to attend college and later on dropped out due to the fact that she was having a baby which stopped her from doing many things. She had the responsibility of being a full-time mother and also a full-time worker to provide for her needs and her child's needs. In reality, college impacts people in different ways, it can affect them in a good way or in a bad way, but it's proven that most college student are going down a path they weren’t expecting. One of the main problems, lack of money brings is students dropping out of college because they can’t afford to get an education. With lack of money, students can't afford the books they need for their classes and aren’t able to pay for their own college tuition because they have other responsibilities. Also, these college students are not able to pay for public transportation because they need the money to support themselves and their child besides having to pay for other necessary things for college. This is why more money should go towards community colleges and to community college students since the not enough fund is allocated to 2-year colleges. Donors are not distributing funds equally to every institution. According to The New York Times, more than 40 percent of students attend community

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