
Negative Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

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1. What are the negative symptoms of schizophrenia that R.B. may be experiencing? You should be able to identify at least three (DSM-IV-TR). There are other mental disorder that are more frequent than schizophrenia; however, schizophrenia may be chronic and severe. Patients that suffer with schizophrenia have trouble distinguishing from what is real or not (NIMH, n.d.). Symptoms of schizophrenia that R.B. is suffering from are withdrawn (depression), refusing to eat (paranoid), having a conversation with people, who is not there (auditory hallucinations), mania, and psychosis.
National Institute of Mental Health, (n.d.). Schizophrenia. Retrieved from:

2. Identify …show more content…

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include: flat affect, unhappy with daily life, not interested in performing daily activities, and having decrease conversations (National Institute of Mental Health, n.d.). The cognitive symptoms include: decrease the ability to function, focusing, and short term memory (National Institute of Mental Health, n.d.). One of the positive symptom that R.B. is suffering from is hallucinations.

National Institute of Mental Health, (n.d.). Schizophrenia. Retrieved from:

3. Give the definition of each of the following types of delusional thinking: thought broadcasting, thought insertion, grandiosity, ideas of reference.
Thought broadcasting is where patients believe their thoughts are being broadcasted to everyone (Psychology Dictionary, n.d.).
Patients who suffer with thought insertion believes their thoughts are someone else’s and they have been put in their mind. (Psychology Dictionary, n.d.).
Patients with grandiosity believe that have inflated greatness (Psychology dictionary, n.d.).
With ideas of reference (IOR) the patients believes that unexpected happenings is aim at them (Orison & Cohen, 2014). IOR is believe to be related to patients who suffer with anxiety (Orison & Cohen, 2014). …show more content…

What is thought broadcasting? Retrieved from:

Psychology Dictionary, (n.d.). What is thought insertion? Retrieved from:

Psychology Dictionary, (n.d.). What is grandiosity? Retrieved from:

4. What symptoms would indicate that R.B. has paranoid schizophrenia? Refusing to eat because he believes his food has been contaminated and when he is experiencing auditory hallucinations he is looking around to see who is watching or listening.

5. Why is it important to know R.B.’s history before he is diagnosed with schizophrenia? Symptoms can start as early as 16 years old and males who have schizophrenia are more likely to demonstrate symptoms before females (National Institute of Mental Health, (n.d.). Doctors need to rule out depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and family history of schizophrenia (National Institute of Mental Health, (n.d.). The correct diagnosis should be determined prior to starting treatment.

National Institute of Mental Health, (n.d.). Schizophrenia. Retrieved from:

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