
Negligence Involving An Automobile Accident

Decent Essays

Sara Sweet came into our office seeking counsel on an action for negligence involving an automobile accident she was involved in several weeks ago. On the day of the accident Sara was driving home around 4:00 p.m., as she was driving through an intersection on a green light she was T-boned by a truck that had run a red light. The truck is owned by Big Bucks, Int’l and was being driven by employee Billy Bob Jones who had been drinking and was DUI at the time of the accident. The police report also shows that Ms. Sweet was likely driving over the speed limit at the time of the accident. The accident left Ms. Sweet with physical injuries including two broken ribs, a collapsed lung, broken nose, ruptured spleen, several severe bruises, and a big gash on her forehead. The injuries sustained by Ms. Sweet required her to undergo surgery and the large gash on her head has caused her to have seizures and severe headaches. Ms. Sweet’s injuries have made it impossible for her to drive for six months and have prevented her from working since the accident. She has used up all of her sick leave and is no longer earning income, she fears losing her job. Ms. Sweet is also left without a vehicle because the accident totaled her 2010 Toyota Camry.
Issue: Is Billy Bob Jones negligently liable for the injuries sustained by Sara Sweet because of his failure to stop at a red light resulting in a collision?
Rule of Law: FL Jur 2d Automobiles and other vehicles §657 refers to automobile negligence

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