
Neith Essay

Decent Essays

Neith lived in the New Kingdom of Egypt with the ruler of Queen Hatshepsut. Neith is in the middle class of the society. She worked as an artisans, which she specialized in weaving; making cloth and garments for the kingdom and to the society. Neith lives with her husband, Maciej they live in a house made of mud and straws that is near the center of the village. As a middle class girl growing up, Neith was sent by her parents to school to learn about weaving. She learned the high and difficult skills of weaving. When she turned fourteen she had an arranged marriage to Maciej, who was eighteen. Despite the arranged marriage, they didn’t seem to like each other that much but that soon changed. They’ve lived with Maciej’s family for awhile before moving out to live in their own home. They have been married for about four years now. Maciej was also an artisan, but he specialized in carving; he creates statues, engravings, and reliefs of the temples, tombs, and monuments. It is normal for middle class marriages to combine as a business, so that’s what they did. Everyday Neith and Maciej walk into their business just near their home. Neith gets orders to make …show more content…

Queen Hatshepsut had accomplished expanding the trade routes of Ancient Egypt, which the society has become more wealthy with the extended trade route. Neith’s business has increased with the materials that has been traded, thanks to the Queen. Queen Hatshepsut was not like other rulers; unlike other rulers in her dynasty, she was more interested in ensuring economic prosperity and building and restoring monuments throughout Egypt, which Neith admired. All in all, Neith loved her society and her husband Maciej, and respected Queen Hatshepsut’s decision over the society. She hopes to have the society stay as long as it

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