Think of something in life that is awful that is happening in our world that you want to see go away, such as cancer. Now think of the government telling our country we couldn’t search for the cure for cancer because it was now illegal. You’d be pretty livid right? I mean its cancer; no one wants cancer to exist. Would you try to fight for the right for people to search for the cure? Would you step in as a leader to fight for that cause, no matter the consequences? What qualities would you need to lead? What is the one you need the most? I think the most important quality in a leader is to be inspiring. You have to motivate others to take action with you. Being inspiring is important because without being inspirational, you won’t have followers to support you, you can’t get your point across effectively, and you won’t be memorable. I am inspirational to others when I write. I try to be motivational and try to help people make a difference even though they are just one person. My goal is when someone reads my writing, they want to go out and make a difference somewhere, somehow, no matter how big or small the issue is. Writing is one of my great tools I use to get people to inspire and open the eyes of my peers. Nelson Mandela was so inspirational to people about getting rid of apartheid. From his speeches to his saintly personality, Mandela had many followers. One situation he portrayed his inspirational beliefs was when he had to create a secret army to fight against
Nelson Mandela was a role model, he went to jail for 27 years because he stood up to Government against african rights in africa. Even after being let loose from jail he continued his journey standing up for his rights,then later showed that he could be president and he did he won the election he was president from 1990 to 1994. In 2013 when he passed even though he is not here today his legacy still will live on. This is why I choose elson Mandela for my
The End Goal What is the best quality of a leader? Most will say honesty, confidence, or inspiration, but what about rationality. Leaders don’t only care about themselves, but they care about others. Being selfless will earn the allegiance of others.
What are the most important qualities an effective leader should have? The willingness to listen others ideas and implement them with their own interpersonal skills. A leader must be willing to accept their own faults and learn from them. An active leader is willing to change their methods of leadership in order to grow as a person. A leader puts themselves on the same level as their followers because that way, people are able to share their own opinions without the fear of rejection. There is courage, as well as the resolution to move forward. Leaders have the characteristic that give the people around them the will to succeed. As a teacher, I understand that some people want to whole heartedly improve, and as an educator I must be willing to do everything I can to push that
From the grocery store to school, many people have the potential to be a leader, but it is hard to decide who would make a good leader. According to the article “Leadership ‘To Be List’” by Angela Maiers, there are four great qualities that make up a great leader: be teachable, kind, passionate, and confident.
The most important characteristics an effective leader must have are: motivation, selflessness, and have an exemplary character. Many people might say these characteristics are not essential for a leader, but in order to be successful, a leader must think and care about others first rather than themselves. A leader must be passionate and motivated to help the people achieve their goals. A leader must want to lead the people at all times no matter what the circumstances are. A leader must have the ability to persuade others and give them hope whenever times get rough.
It takes a lot to be a leader. It takes experience, communication, positivity, passion, and much more to be an effective leader. Communication, positivity, and passion are the three most important characteristics to me. I represent all three of these with great pride. I communicate effectively whether it be in the classroom, on
Nelson Mandela once stated “there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountain tops of our desires.” This powerful quote was a summary of his life. Nelson was a liberating activist in South Africa. His purpose as a leader was to end apartheid and advocate for human rights. On the journey to his purpose, Nelson loved, lived and lost. Nelson fulfilled his duty as a vocation leader but at the cost of his freedom, family and life.
The qualities that I possess that would make me an effective leader are my ability to stay calm in certain situations and compassion for what I do. I think it is important to keep composure in certain situations. When people stay calm they are better able to control situations better and people are more likely to follow their lead. When lead people become frantic it makes their followers become frantic as well. My compassion would also make me an effective leader. In order to lead people the person leading should have compassion for what they are fighting for. I think it motivates people to see their leader really caring. For example, I am very passionate about the environment. When I talk to people about the
The life story of Nelson Mandela has long become a legend, a story that transcends race, borders, culture, or language. He is one of the greatest leaders to ever step foot on this Earth. He was willing to give up his own personal freedoms for the good of his people. Still, his decisions at major points in his lifetime hold lessons for individuals who are inspired of becoming good leaders. Many leaders are inspired by the actions and decision-makings abilities of Mandela. He kept the interest of others before his own. This is what made Nelson Mandela a great leader, and worthy of winning a Nobel Prize. From the decisions he made, and his life experiences while fighting for human rights, one can conclude that Mandela is truly
To be a leader, one must have certain traits that contribute, in a good way, to their leadership. An example could be persistence. What is a leader without persistence, what would be the point of them doing anything at all? Bravery is another valuable trait to have. In order to be a leader, you must be brave enough to stand for what you believe in and what you want to change, even when the outcome may seem bleak. One more essential trait: motivation. A leader simply cannot be a leader if no one is motivated to follow them. An example of a leader who exhibits all three of these characteristics in a great way would be Martin Luther King Jr. He was an African-American man who lived in a segregated time and place. Quickly, King became a leader
Imagine being systematically oppressed from the moment you exited the womb. All your civil rights, based on the amount of melanin in your skin. Drinking from the wrong water fountain, could even get you thrown into jail. Coincidently; this was the life, of black South Africans from the moment of Dutch colonization in 1652, to the first true democratic election in 1994. Apartheid, meaning “separateness” in Afrikaans; was legal segregation enforced by The National Party (NP) from 1948 to 1994. It legally imposed preexisting policies of racial discrimination on the Majority of the South African population. The entire basis of the racist policies, was the darker your complexion the less legal rights you had. Presumably this injustice, could have continued much longer if it weren’t for all involved in the fight against the NP, however the man who arguably contributed the most, was Nelson Mandela. He ended an apartheid, with both his philanthropy and political prowess. He united a nation that used to be segregated; which seemed a daunting task at the time, but through the sweat and bloodshed he achieved the impossible. This alone exhibited his heroic characteristics, but to be more precise: both his actions and inactions lead to his success. Furthermore, Mandela was both a strong leader and forgiving at the same-time. Being in the forefront of the abolishment movement, was an extremely risky move during the apartheid. He risked his life for what he believed in, and this personal
President Mandela played a big role in stopping South Africans’ segregation problem. South Africa several years ago favored white people over the native South Africans. Mandela used rugby and the native children to help unite the country into one. He used the Springboks (the rugby team representing South Africa) to coach younger kids in the slums. Francois, the captain of the team, even said, “I’m glad I don't live here”, when talking about how poor the slum conditions were. They targeted younger children because their success with this population appealed to the public. This was very smart of Mandela because this plan ended up working and all the South Africans who jeered the Springboks initially, then cheered them on at the World Cup. The coaches visited the youth living in the slums teaching them rugby. South Africa ended up being the underdogs yet beating two very talented team and ended up winning. Mandela knew he had to keep all his Africaner employees to help stop the massive racism issue. All the government workers thought they were being fired but he gave them the choice to stay or to leave. Many white people hated Mandela, in fact, when he was released from prison someone said, “It's that terrorist Mandela” to one of his rugby players. I envy Mandela's way of maintaining control. He could've had all the Africaners suffer for what they did to the native Africans. I don't get how someone who suffered so much is able to forgive so quickly, yet some
So, first and foremost quality of a leader is not only to see at high things but also make the people see and strive for the same thing. For this purpose, they have to monitor even minor things by making people feel valued and inspired. A good
Nelson Mandela enicted change in his persistent and Courageous ways, he formed armed resistances, spent time in prison, and led protests. According to Editors “In 1961, Nelson Mandela co-founded and became the first leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe (“Spear of the Nation”)” (Nelson Mandela). By Nelson forming this resistance against the government it showed the lengths he was willing to go for his cause and showed the
“To deny people their right to human rights is to challenge their very humanity. To impose on them a wretched life of hunger and deprivation is to dehumanize them. But such has been the terrible fate of all black persons in our country under the system of apartheid (“In Nelson Mandela’s own words”). Nelson Mandela was a moral compass symbolizing the struggle against racial oppression. Nelson Mandela emerged from prison after twenty-seven years to lead his country to justice. For twenty-seven years he sat in a cell because he believed in a country without apartheid, a country with freedom and human rights. He fought for a country where all people were equal, treated with respect and given equal opportunity. Nelson Mandela looms large in the