
Neurology Admission Essay Sample

Decent Essays

Academically, I have aspirations to pursue medicine and become a physician, with neurology as a key area of interest. Neurological diseases and disabilities are prevalent in society today, and I wish to be at the forefront of the future medical community to assist them and their families. I have personal experience with the toll neurological disabilities have on individuals and families. My little sister has neurological disabilities, and although she has undergone extensive and expensive testing, the exact etiology remains undiagnosed. The impact has been both financial and emotional to our family with constant worry for her future. In order to help others like my younger sister, I aim to explore options of practicing in either in a …show more content…

Both of these majors fascinate me, for chemistry explores the properties of chemicals in depth, while neurology delves into the brain’s structure and physiology. Both would provide a strong background for my desired career in medicine. Throughout my college career, I also plan to conduct research relating to medicine and neuroscience. This will prepare me for both medical school and my training beyond secondary schooling, and it will possibly advance the discoveries in the medical field. Additionally, I will minor in Spanish because I wish to become fluent in a second language to further my skill set and my range of communication abilities. As Spanish is the second most spoken language in the United States, being able to speak fluently will be important for physicians of the future. To advance this goal, I hope to study abroad for either a summer or a semester, focusing on both my Spanish speaking abilities and medicine in an international setting. I also intend to minor in dance, join a dance-centric school club, and perform throughout my college career. Since a young age, I have held a passion for expressing myself with dance. College will provide me with the opportunity to further my skills while sharing this beautiful art form with others through

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