
New Business Model For Best Books

Better Essays

5.0 Strategy and Implementation strategy:
The main business model for Best books relies on common people and also on college students providing text books, magazines, research papers, comic books and also online material where they can download and read them. Therefore, our focus will be on marketing strategy to increase student traffic and usage. The Best books recognizes key to success as an extensive promotion strategy to attract users. As this is our new business, once additional funding is secured the advertisement and promotional plan is implemented.
5.1 Strategy Pyramids:
The strategy pyramid is a visual tool helps to analyze and achieve their strategy goals. Our main goal is that after achieving additional profits we would like to …show more content…

- Discounts for regular customers sent through emails.
- Cost reliable renting options for various books.
- Inventory that targets all kinds of genres in the books so that it can be one stop place for all ages.
- We aim to offer free shipping for orders that meet certain criteria. The criteria are put with primary purpose of promoting our sales as well as customer satisfaction.
5.4 Marketing Strategy
Best Books store purely based on internet. In order to gain identity in bookstore market, we will follow below listed marketing strategies.
Monthly catalogues: Best Books catalogue will be released every week on website and will be automatically send to subscribed customers. Catalogue consists of weekly deals, new additions and news related Best Books.
Web advertising: Best Books business runs on internet, so majority customers will be internet surfers. By web advertising we can reach them easily. Our web advertisement includes most selling books and deals. These web advertisements will redirect customer to our website.
Facebook page: An easy way to reach out customer is through social networking sites mainly through Facebook. We will post our catalogues, coupon codes but not individual products information. We will also post some video tutorials which will redirect customer to our website. There is a chance of high

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