
New Media, Not Newspapers, is a Dynamic Way to Communicate

Good Essays

New media is dynamic. It is the emergence of the internet, social network sites to communicate, work and advertise through the use of devices like computers, tablets and mobile phones. New media is a powerful tool in the sense that one is able to communicate with people from all over the world and also expand businesses. Also, it is widely used to read news articles. Nowadays, new media is commonly used by news organisations and journalists to enhance newspapers and online news portals. News organisations presume that with new media, they are able to establish an online news site which could help with the organisations revenue by attracting the attention of readers towards its online news platform.
a) Our local newspaper The Straits …show more content…

These are the hottest social media networks now. They have been using these social media platforms to ensure that their news site is able to bring in more readers to remain interactive. The Straits Times used their Twitter account wisely as a sub-channel to post their news stories. Twitter outlets are good to post up a short header of the news along with its link to the online news site for the full story. Twitter nowadays is a medium where many go to find news or updates. At the same time, they have used the platform to bond and interact with readers. When readers know how considerate the organisation is regarding their readers, these readers become loyal to their news site or newspapers. Quoted from the article [1], “Singaporeans are busy people and love to know what is happening in real-time… they love to follow the local media news on Twitter and why checking news is one of the top daily behaviours…”, it shows how effective the online news site is to remain interactive with their readers. With over 200,000 followers on their Twitter [2], Straits Times is gaining recognition on the social world which helps their online news portal to gain popularity.
With the rising demand of online news portals, The Straits Times would be able to promote its traditional newspaper using social media. News posted on the online news portal are usually brief and not detailed as compared to newspapers itself. News posted on online news site serve to only work as

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