
Newberry College Student Code Of Conduct

Decent Essays

I believe that the Student Code of Conduct should be retained to protect individuals from demeaning or uncomfortable comments such as racism, sexism, and homophobism. All members of Newberry College deserve an environment that provides maximum academic and personal growth. For that reason, Newberry College Student Code of Conduct should be retained because it unequivocally addresses all forms of ethnic, religious, cultural or radical intolerance on the part of students, faculty, staff and visitors. All members of the Newberry College community should be responsible for creating and respecting conditions in the classroom and campus that courage teaching and learning in an atmosphere of academic freedom. Without a Student Code of Conduct, Newberry College would be unable to …show more content…

Newberry College main goal is to commit in improving the quality of student life by promoting a diversified educational and cultural experience. If Newberry College took away the Student Code of Conduct, Newberry College students will be unable to sustain a healthy relationship with each other due to racism, sexism, and homophobism. Students at Newberry College should not be afraid to be themselves and embrace their heritage, gender, and sexuality. Without the Student Code of Conduct, Newberry College students will be afraid to be themselves and thus hurting their academic growth from reaching its maximum potential. As a Student of Newberry College, I believe that the Student Code of Conduct should be retained because it promotes my quality of college life by promoting a diversified educational and cultural experience without the worry of having demeaning and uncomfortable comments that could potentially ruin my college experience or even my academic

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