
Newcastle University Case Study

Decent Essays

Research Funding
Newcastle University is a member of the prestigious Russell group, leaders in world class research. The University’s research Reputation and Quality was rewarded within the research excellence framework and is ranked 16th in the country for research power and has strategic links across the world including Groningen University in the Netherlands.
Collaboration across Europe is essential to research success in the UK.
Horizon 2020 programme is an EU funded programme with an 80 billion euro budget to fund thousands of research and innovation projects carried out by organisations and companies all over the world. The horizon 20202 vision connects excellent research to innovation to secure Europe’s competitive edge within the …show more content…

A survey carried out circa 2016 the UK currently has the second lowest level of outward student mobility in Europe.
Erasmus is the European Union programme for student outward mobility. The current catch all framework funding from the EU is currently 14.7 billion running from 2014 to 2020. Erasmus aim is to modernise education, training and youth work across Europe. It is open all sectors of lifelong learning, including school education, further and higher education, adult education and the youth sector. It offers exciting opportunities for UK participants to study, work, volunteer, teach and train abroad. Whilst the Erasmus scheme has been hugely successful in increasing the mobility of generations of students, a departure from the EU would risk limiting such opportunities, and further reduce the mobility the student population.

In addition, UK students benefit from cheaper or free tuition fee levels across most of Europe, again a withdrawal from the EU would increase the cost of study in Europe, further limiting the attractiveness of outward mobility for UK students and making sure studying in Europe is only accessible to well off students.

Free movement has benefits not only for the individual but for society and the economy - outward student mobility is essential in preparing students

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