
Nhshelpdesk's Farewell Speech

Satisfactory Essays

Here it is, the very first NHSTechTalks Live hosted by David Pearl and Henry Blanchette. Our first guests were Ms. Jenn Scheffer and Timmy O’ Sullivan of the Burlington High school’s student run genius bar @BHSHelpDesk.

Ms. Scheffer is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, the Massachusetts Google Educator Group Leader, Mobile Learning Coach for Burlington Public Schools, in Burlington, Massachusetts; a 1:1 iPad Google Apps for Education district. In this role, Ms. Scheffer and her students act as educational technology consultants for students, teachers and parents of Burlington High school – we @NHSHelpDesk are inspired to recreate this environment at Northgate High School.

Oh and by the way, Timmy O’ Sullivan is an interesting guy …show more content…

We the students of Northgate High School believe that we are every bit as talented and trustworthy as the students in …show more content…

Tobin, Henry and I took away from the GHO was the idea of trust. It is a philosophy that we believe is inspiring and we hope will evolve at MDUSD and NHS. The experiences we have garnered in our first two months in the helpdesk class clearly demonstrates that District leaders and, NHS administrators are seeking a proven system that will guide them through the integration of technology in schools. ‘Too often, events such as cyberbullying, sexting, plagiarizing and hacking put litigious chaos into the forefront of technology adoption, essentially stunting the development of digital citizenship progress’. By watching our Google Hangout on Air, we believe that all parties in the NHS education community will have a better idea of what is needed to send Northgate High School into a new era of 21st century learning that focuses on redefinition in the S.A.M.R. model.

Trust was a keyword that is prevalent witin the interview. Now trust us and watch the GHO with Ms. Jenn Scheffer and Timmy O’ Sullivan. We know we were inspired and we know that you will be too.

Posted by Mr. Tobin & David Pearl (add Henry if he reads and agrees to it). Thank you to Ms. Jenn Scheffer and Timmy O’

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