
Nichole Dunn Research Paper

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“We were beginning to make progress, and there was an initial complacency. We got the right to vote, we have the ability to go to work. And we took our eye off the ball.” Nichole referring to how even when gender bias had begun to take process, there were still issues that needed to be addressed. For instance, only 29 out of the fortune 500 companies have women CEOs. (Women CEOS of the S&P 500). The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio seeks to release the stigma, in which women and men will be equal in all aspects.
Nichole Dunn, the CEO of The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio. Originally from Minnesota, Nichole grew up knowing that she wanted to go into an occupation that included leadership. She was thrilled with the thought of going into a field that …show more content…

Nichole categorizes herself as a “privileged feminist”—meaning that she grew up in an environment where she was encouraged to eliminate the thick line between what it meant to be a girl or a boy; in so, she was active in sports, learned the same basic skills that young boys are stereotyped to learn, and of course, to be independent. Before relocating to Ohio, Nichole was a licensed drug and alcohol counselor to youth. When the opportunity of being the CEO of The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio, Nichole knew that she was meant to go into a woman organization that based itself on releasing the negative stigma of what it meant to be a woman. The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio started in 2002 by fourteen women who were all in the professional field and lived in central Ohio. Her company is a social change service rather than a direct service in which they focus on preventing social issues about gender. Since the beginning, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio focuses on four core values, this includes gender norms, economic self sufficiency for women, leadership for women, and life skills for girls. On …show more content…

On the subject on her thoughts on feminism being viewed upon as a joke throughout social media, she says that a true feminist can respond with one question, “Do you believe that women and men are equal?” She says, “When you have an individual that wants to debate, do you want to have a discussion, or have a debate?” By making a question about the person who views feminism as a joke, they do not realize the true idea of feminism and understand the statistics that also come with it. Nichole elaborates on society and the things that still indicate that gender bias is still shown in everyday life. “You throw like a girl,” is a commonly known phrase used in sports. Nichole describes how even though “You throw like a girl” is a phrase that is subtle and short, it negatively influences how young women are perceived. It indicates how when a child hears “You throw like a girl,” to them, it parallels to a negative connotation. This child’s ‘throw’ is viewed as not strong enough, fast enough, or good enough. At a young age, girls view how they throw, their ability to be strong, and most importantly, their perception becomes negative. Additionally, Nichole explains how boy programs hold a phrase, “I will,” while girl programs hold the phrase, “I will try.” Girls at a young age are pushed to be risk takers and try new things, while boys are almost born with knowing that they can try to be anything that they

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