
Nicu Nurse Research Paper

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I am interested in pursuing a career in nursing. A career that really interests me is a neonatal intensive care nurse. This is a type of nurse that works in a neonatal intensive care unit. These nurses often work with infants who were born prematurely, born with birth defects, or infants who are having critical complications during the first month after birth. Infants in the neonatal intensive care unit require constant monitoring and are often being treated for life threatening diseases. According to The National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) approximately 40,000 infants are born each year in the United States needing specialized NICU care. NICU nurses are always present when a baby is being delivered so they can provide immediate …show more content…

One upside to being a neonatal nurse is it is less physical demanding. NICU nurses spend a lot of time at the bedside of an infant administering care or closely observing them in an incubator and less time lifting and transporting much larger adult patients. Another upside to being a NICU nurse is that this career has a great job outlook and increases more and more every year,NICU nursing will always have a job available. There is also always opportunities for job advancements with more schooling. And do not forget the babies! Even though NICU nurses are taking care of these infants on difficult conditions it makes the infants that survive and leave happy and healthy even more special . Nurses get to feel the satisfaction every single day that they are helping to save a small little babies life, and that can be one of the greatest feelings in the world. On the downside, working in the NICU is very overwhelming and stressful knowing that a small infant's life is on your hands . Neonatal nursing is also very emotionally stressful. Everyday an infant that you thought was doing bettering and was perfectly stable could suddenly collapse. Theses nurses also have to deal with parents and family members that are also very stressed out and worried about their child and that can become very emotionally draining as

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