I am interested in pursuing a career in nursing. A career that really interests me is a neonatal intensive care nurse. This is a type of nurse that works in a neonatal intensive care unit. These nurses often work with infants who were born prematurely, born with birth defects, or infants who are having critical complications during the first month after birth. Infants in the neonatal intensive care unit require constant monitoring and are often being treated for life threatening diseases. According to The National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) approximately 40,000 infants are born each year in the United States needing specialized NICU care. NICU nurses are always present when a baby is being delivered so they can provide immediate …show more content…
One upside to being a neonatal nurse is it is less physical demanding. NICU nurses spend a lot of time at the bedside of an infant administering care or closely observing them in an incubator and less time lifting and transporting much larger adult patients. Another upside to being a NICU nurse is that this career has a great job outlook and increases more and more every year,NICU nursing will always have a job available. There is also always opportunities for job advancements with more schooling. And do not forget the babies! Even though NICU nurses are taking care of these infants on difficult conditions it makes the infants that survive and leave happy and healthy even more special . Nurses get to feel the satisfaction every single day that they are helping to save a small little babies life, and that can be one of the greatest feelings in the world. On the downside, working in the NICU is very overwhelming and stressful knowing that a small infant's life is on your hands . Neonatal nursing is also very emotionally stressful. Everyday an infant that you thought was doing bettering and was perfectly stable could suddenly collapse. Theses nurses also have to deal with parents and family members that are also very stressed out and worried about their child and that can become very emotionally draining as
My anticipated careee field after college is to work as a neonatal nurse practitioner. My plan is to go to Coloumbus state university and acquire my nursing degree. To eran a residereed nurse degree you must complete a 4 year degree. Due to taking dual enrollement classes in high school I should finish in less than 3. The I will transfer to Emory University or Berry College to get my nurse practitioner degree in approximately 2-4 years. Becoming a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner a person must have RN licensures and state authority for advanced practice. They must also have 2-4 years of experience in he feild or related area. The applicant must be familiar with advanced concepts, practices and proceedurs within the chosed field. Nurse practitioners
By becoming a nurse, an individual gets to share special experiences with a mother and her new child by helping them throughout the birth process. Nurses will make several bonds and connections with the families and newborns they helped bring into the world. Labor and delivery nurses will get to help care for babies, get good pay, and assist with the delivery. These life changing nurses get to assist with the miracle of life and help families grow
Now, there are more than 1,500 NICU’s in the United States. Personally, I think this job seems very intriguing. I like that I can be working with babies all the time and improve their lives. I would basically be getting paid for doing what I love. I also enjoy the fact that I would get to communicate with the families and keep them informed and updated. The whole idea is so interesting, I love talking to people and helping others, therefore, I would assume I would like this job. As of right now, I cannot think of anything I do not like about the job. I recently was given the number of a lady to contact so I can set up a job shadow with a NICU nurse, I cannot wait! After researching the career, I discovered the actual salary which seems good, however, I do not know much about salaries. Also, I learned what kind of schooling is involved which I did not know before, a master degree is absolutely necessary. My ideas about this career did not change from what I learned from this assignment. I am still very much interested in getting involved and maybe pursuing this career just as I had been
A baby was just born at 26 weeks gestation. Just over half the normal 40 weeks a baby should stay inside the mother. The baby is immediately whisked away and taken to be evaluated and prepared for a long journey ahead. Ever since I could remember babies and the nursery at the hospital have fascinated me. Whenever we would go visit a friend who had a baby, I would find myself peaking over the windows into the nursery. I have known for a while that working in the neonatal intensive care unit is what I want to pursue. Recently I have been looking into nurse practitioners and furthering my education beyond my BSN. Being able to care for these infants in the most critical stages of their life, and being able to provide them the support they need to survive outside the womb seems so satisfying . Neonatal nurse practitioners have years of education, deep history, detailed job description, high demands and some legal issues.
Neonatal nurses need a lot of clinical experience, mentorships, and preceptor programs. Training might take anywhere from six weeks to three month to complete depending on how much prior work experience. Before one becomes a neonatal nurse you should work as an advanced practice nurse (APRNs). APRNs can work as neonatal nurse practitioners (NNPs) and neonatal clinical nurse specialists (CNSs). APRNs have specialized knowledge and may provide direct care with patients.
The information I found out about a neonatal nurse was that their duties include administering medications, monitoring vital signs and providing vital nutrients to newborns. Most premature and sick newborns have lungs that aren't fully developed, the neonatal nurse must ensure that infants are breathing and maturing properly. They provide complete care for babies, such as attend deliveries, weigh and measure infants, bathe them and monitor their health. They also teach new parents about newborn care and breastfeeding. Hospital work requires nurses to be composed, caring and in control every second of their shift. Although neonatal nurses witness the miracle of birth every day, they also view untimely
They must also be certified in Neonatal Resuscitation and/or Neonatal Intensive care Nursing. Some of these nurses may be required to complete a minimum number of years of clinical experience in a hospital setting. These are minimum requirements but if one has a higher degree such as a Doctor’s degree, they might get a job over their competitor that only has the minimum requirements because they are more experienced and hold a higher level of education. Although becoming a doctor can make someone a lot of money, the education is very long and can cost a lot of money itself. Nurse practitioning is nice because you have almost as much education as a doctor and are paid a good amount of money but you are not as
The demand for this level of neonatal nursing is decreasing because mothers and newborn babies are now more likely to stay in the same room together after birth. Level II nurses are much more in demand because premature and sick babies need constant attention. Level III nurses have the most intensive responsibilities, working in the NICU and monitoring seriously ill or premature infants around the clock. They check ventilators and incubators, make sure babies are responding well, and teach parents how to care for their infants properly.” Many Neonatal nurse work in the NICU. They give medical care to the babies that are at risk newborns. Neonatal nurse tend to care for 1-4 babies at a
A labor and delivery nurse is a nurse who cares for woman and newborns during antepartum, intraparetum, postpartum, and neonatal stages of birth. These nurses take vital signs to make sure the mother and her newborn are healthy. Labor and delivery nurses aren’t there for the medicine they are also there to provide support for the mother and the family. I would like to become a labor and delivery nurse because I love helping and taking care of others, especially when it comes to babies, I have always been interested in how the human reproduction systems works, and I love seeing others happy.
Another thing that draws me towards the career is the flexibility. A nurse is able to obtain a job in almost any state as long as they get the correct license for the state. Also, they are able to work in many different settings. A nurse can work in an office setting where the hours are set and they work a normal eight to five job. They are also able to work in a hospital setting, the hours differ when working at a hospital and some are required to work weekends and holidays. The physical demands for both setting would be different. Hospital settings would require lots of walking from room to room as well as running in certain emergency settings. In either setting though a nurse is required to be on their feet for long periods of time. It is not a job to where you would be stuck behind a desk.
There are more than 70% of premature babies that are born between 34 and 36 weeks gestation a year. When a baby is born early, or born with birth defects, the Neonatal Intensive Care unit is its first home. The nurse’s in the NICU have the difficult job of preparing baby’s and parents for a health life together. A baby who has been put into the NICU will stay there until it is healthy enough to go home.
Before receiving the Real Care Baby, I knew it took a lot of work to care for a newborn. I now know that it takes a lot more than I thought. The forty-eight hours I had the baby were frustrating, exhausting, and stressful. It’s a lot of hard work, but I’m sure if it were a real child it would totally be worth it.
I am passionate of becoming a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. I got inspired to work in this field when I interned at hospitals such as the Veterans and at Community Regional Center in the children's clinic. I have always worked with children and like being part of their lives. Ever since I volunteered at Storey Elementary After school Program with kids on their homework, it assured me that working with children is what makes me happy. I want to impacts others lives positively. I am serious about my career path and I take every advantage to learn more about it. This was one of the reasons why I had taken part of the UCSF Doctors Academy program, because I wanted to learn more about the health profession and be exposed to it. Being part of the
Many of us have our minds set on what we want to do in life while others are still trying to decide. There are many different fields that we can go into but whatever career path we choose there is a reason for choosing that path. Nursing is a field that is very wide and interesting and also a very rewarding career path. However to be more specific working in the neonatal unit can be very stressful for everyone.
A neonatal nurse practitioner is in the medial career field; with this information, you know this job will always be needed. “Because nearly 40,000 low-birth- weight babies are born each year in the United States, there will continue to be a market for neonatal nurses.” (Career Focus) Research has shown that there has been an alarming decline in the