
Night Bruno Friendship Quotes

Satisfactory Essays

Bruno is an 8 year old boy, whose determination and courage is one of the numerous things that makes him one of the most dependable charters within the novel. Bruno is shown to be particularly vulnerable of his surroundings and what was going on throughout this time. His connection and willpower to be able to make a friend in the most unlikely area and conditions, he sees an opportunity and turns it into an improbable and prohibited friendship that has many twists and turns and uncontrolled concecuences. After meeting Shmuel a young 8 year old boy, who appears to have a matching birthday to Bruno, they form a tight and loving friendship. Shmuel is undernourished and appears to be extremely pale, bringing the readers to understand the vulnerability of the …show more content…

Lieutenant Kilter (one of the soldiers) marched over to Shmuel and glared at him ‘what are you doing’ he shouted. ‘Didn’t I tell you to polish those glasses?’ Shmuel nodded his head and started to tremble a little as he picked up the napkin and dipped it into the water. ‘Who told you that you were allowed to in this house?’ continued Kolter. ‘No, sir,’ said Shmuel quietly. ‘ I’m sorry, sir.’ (page170-171). This shows the little control the Jews have and are force to bey orders they are given otherwise punishments received, for example ‘you will finish polishing all these glasses’ said Lieutenant Kilterin in a very quiet voice……..’and then I will come back and discuss about what happens to boys who steal. This is understood,yes?’ ( page 173). Being a Jew, he is forced to work and remain on the opposite side of the fence with thousand of other Jew’s of all ages, forced to work and obey orders, as the crowd begins to overcrowd random Jews, are directed towards the gas

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